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persuasive speech about beauty standards

Writing a personal statement is a sensitive matter. Three major things to think about when choosing a persuasive speech topic from this list are: 1) make sure . Body image is something that is a constant struggle for many. What is more, the song contrasts the lengths women will go to in order to make themselves appear more beautiful, but perhaps the line you should know, youre beautiful the way you are is the most profound statement for this generation. The fact that the media thinks theyre encouraging young girls and women to embrace their beauty, theyre influencing them that they have to have a perfect body in order to get attention. Politics take a crucial, part in this because politics like to control us and decide what they want us to do. There are many beauty standards but weight and body size is slowly becoming the main focus. 42% of girls in 1st through 3rd grade want to lose weight. Popular culture has influenced what is to be perceived as beautiful, especially in women. As guest editor of Star Telegram newspaper, I did what was asked of me and reviewed the article written by Susan Bordo Never Just Pictures. Perhaps the greatest example of the dangers of child beauty pageants is the story of six year old Jon Bent. ; Environmental activism: Climate change, offshore oil drilling, and green technology are just a few of the hot-button . As many as 20 percent of those who suffer from anorexia will die early from complications related to their eating disorder, including suicide and heart problems. Structure of your persuasive speech. Unrealistic body image issues for teens and young adults Thesis (i.e. The notion of beauty itself is a social construction that becomes normative despite the fact that it is often used a tool for social control. Persuasive Speech About Beauty Standards, Cause And Effect Essay About Pollution, General Computer Knowledge Resume, Oregon Cis Resume, Resume Toronto Canada, Popular Movie Review Writers For Hire Us, Tracing Worksheets Math Business Enquiries. A strong opening ensures you have the audience's attention from the start and gives them a positive first impression of you. This gives you a chance to address your audience's possible objections and make your argument stronger. Narrative Speech Examples. When creating a persuasive speech or essay, it is essential to have three components. They feel the need to have flawless skin, to be thin, to be tall, and to be perfect. Stop and take a closer look! In the United States alone, 40-60% of girls in elementary and middle school are worried about gaining too much weight and not being accepted by anyone ("Prevalence vs. Funding" 1). First, you'll need to choose a side on a controversial topic, then you will write a speech to explain your position, and convince the audience to agree with you. In your closing, restate your thesis, tug on your audience's heartstrings one last . Can cause or be an additive to eating disorders 3.) A persuasive speech seeks to Establish a fact o E.g., Coffee drinkers have (do not have) a higher risk of heart . Every day, there are girls who look in the mirror and all they see is fat and ugly. Speech On Body Shaming. 91% of women are unhappy with their bodies. Not knowing in the next five minutes theyll be comparing their bodies to the model and feeling bad about themselves wishing that they had her body. 3. Nature is able to show us true beauty, without modifications, exaggerations and falseness. OK, thanks for participating, now the people . When you constantly are being advertised on what celebrities do,people start to do everything they do. Images of models are constantly construed to resemble the form of beauty that society idolizes, which is often white, unreasonably skinny, hyper sexual, and flawless. By getting up early in the morning, you can distribute your time better: exercise, meditate or take advantage of that space where your children sleep for a good read. Speech on "How and why it is wrong for the media to promote a certain beauty standard"BIOLA STUDENT COMM 100 analytical Essay. Women would be seen as the more dominant role in the relationship. London based writer, Lawrencia Amfo-Asiedu, wrote a piece in November called "The Perception of Beauty Standards" with a goal to showcase positivity and highlight inspiring individuals from ethnic minority backgrounds.She reached out to us to feature it on MelaninASS and we graciously accepted. And why do you feel such a need to fulfil it? The emphasis for a girls ideal body to be perfect, thin, but curvy at the same time affects women emotionally and causes them feelings of, body dissatisfaction, can cause eating disorders, and major psychological issues. Objectives : 1. Beyonc, a Grammy Award winning singer, appears in a photo used to re-promote her album "4," She is pictured lying across a leopard print, For example, Jennifer Lawrence was recently featured on the cover of Flare magazine, but it wasnt entirely her. Let's discuss them in detail. The biggest insecurity I have ever had is my skin colour. In her essay, I Had a Nice Time with you Tonight, on the app, Jenna Wortham believes that social media apps are a helpful way to connect. 7 in 10 girls believe they are not good enough. It is an unnecessary and potentially harmful comparison to. While Amanda Vogels article Body Image: The Impact of Social Media published in 2015 explains the positive side of the issue. We have seen how the people who are shown in advertisements, films, TV shows, magazines, and even news channels share certain features in common. Just as we learn to develop a poor body image of ourselves, we can instead learn to cultivate a healthy love of our bodies. The media states that a perfect person is skinny, tan, has shiny hair, straight teeth, and completely clear skin. Nowadays we are surrounded with billions of images and we are influenced by the people we see in magazines and advertisements. Step 2 - Select a good persuasive speech topic to accomplish the goal and choose a position. You can produce an effective persuasive speech if you structure your . Therefore even though photoshop gets rid of flaws, celebrities still choose not to use it. My specific purpose is: The purpose of my speech is to make the audience believe that the media should promote body positivity, instead of promoting specific, unrealistic beauty standards. This student's outline is well developed, coherent, integrates research, follows a strong organizational pattern, and meets all expectations of an outline in a public speaking course. PERSUASIVE SPEECH (WHY SHOULD PEOPLE MORE CONNECT WITH NATURE) . Beauty standards are portrayed everywhere: on magazines, social media, ads, commercials, and even flaunted among peers. This feat can be challenging to accomplish, but an engaging, thought-provoking speech topic is an excellent place to start. Step 3 - Locate credible and reliable sources and identify evidence in support of . The media has put a lot of pressure on young girls and women to look perfect and second guess their bodies, when plastic surgery is never the answer to build their self-esteem up. Members of society at-large strive with conform to prevailing ideals in order to be validated as attractive. Theses beauty standards are advertised in various ways and these beauty standards that are set are unrealistic. 1529 Words. In today's world, it feels almost impossible to be happy, this generation is all about the media which makes having self-esteem 10x harder. Body dissatisfaction, negative body image, concern with body size, and shape represent attitudes of body image.(Dixit 1), women are so obsessed with looking good that they are missing out on enjoying, The song, Scars to Your Beautiful written by Alessia Caracciolo, speaks to the very challenge every young girl experiences by wanting to be seen as beautiful. Body shaming themselves and others becomes normal. All of you must have seen how people are portrayed in media and how beauty standards are set for both men and women. The Plastic Generation (Persuasive Speech on Child Cosmetic Surgery) The first problem that contributes to adolescent cosmetic surgery is pressure from the media. There are many causes and effects of this problem, but there are also things we can do to fix it. Media should realize that their portrayal does have a tremendous effect on mass perception and how people are affected both mentally and physically because of their ignorant non-sensical beauty standard setting. It isn't about it being realistic or not of one person, it is about . Also, the article includes the reasons teenage girls choose to have cosmetic surgery and the types of procedures they perform. 1). , We are constantly being shown what to do and what not to do by these people that, to us, are held above our heads as we idolize their very existence. Satisfactory Essays. The A in Asian: Perfection Kills Jenny Nguyen Preview Problems: 1. Address counterarguments. Every single day women are faced with the questions of whether they are pretty enough, skinny enough, whether men are attracted to them, whether they can be loved or not, and whether people think they are beautiful. As a person ages body image issues become less significant; they have accepted who they are, and are not bothered by how they look to others. They are viewed based on their outer appearances. These are called Logos ( Logic), Ethos ( Ethics), and Pathos ( Emotion). There still are advertisements where a female gets promoted or gets an increase in salary and recognition after she uses a fairness product. People should stay married for life. Eating disorders are mostly developed by women. that from puberty onward a woman is targeted by cosmetic companies. Being surrounded by societys definitions of beauty has definitely taken a toll on American womens confidence. Through such portrayals, media is creating and promoting judgmental people who even have the potential to destroy peoples lives by putting them down mentally. Address the counter-argument. Beauty standards are unrealistic and unhealthy to pursue, and misinforms the public on what true beauty is. Women are under constant pressure to measure up to unrealistic social and cultural ideals of beauty. 40-70% of girls that are in grade school either want to lose weight because of magazine pictures or think that the perfect body is depicted by magazines. Social media is toxic and beauty standards shouldn't even exist. No one has the right to or entitlement to emotionally, mentally, or physically harm another person for the way they look. The advertisement says a lot about how some men may view their wives and many women who always had need for a man. Be proud of yourself. It is important to remember that true beauty is not about achieving a certain appearance or adhering to certain standards. The fact that only people with these features are beautiful and that the rest of them are not eligible to be shown in public is etched in the minds of the people because of media. The primary purpose of a persuasive speech is to nudge an audience into seeing the valid points behind your opinions concerning a specific subject. YWCAs Beauty at Any Cost discusses this in their article saying that, The pressure to achieve unrealistic physical beauty is an undercurrent in the lives of virtually all women in the United States, and its steady drumbeat is wreaking havoc on women in ways that far exceed the bounds of their physical selves (YWCA). Which then enforces unhealthy and unrealistic beauty ideals that negatively affect women's self-image and their body image because society has attributed beauty to self worth. Click on the Google Document provided for a sample speech outline. Persuasive Speech About Beauty Standards, Resume Ghostwriters Sites, Best Critical Analysis Essay Writer Sites For University, Esl Cheap Essay Ghostwriting Site, Essay Syrah 2016, Professional Creative Essay Ghostwriting Services For University, Sift Cupcake And Dessert Bar Essay About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . These standards give a false sense of hope of having the perfect body. Instead of letting beauty standards be socially accepted, people should be aware of the harm they cause. When women are uncomfortable with their body, they get taken advantage of by companies trying to sell their products varying from protein shakes, magic pills, to surgical procedures (Lin). Customer Reviews. Ones body is unique and everyone has their opinion about the ideal, healthy perfect body. Models that are incredibly thin and can look good in anything. Even though the body of a model is very rare and uncommon,girls are expected to look like they do. Its Time to Wise Up As a result of my research I found that the body standard the media sets for adolescents leads to disorders, Suicide and self loathing. Most of these girls are not even have fully developed bodies yet and are already trying to perfect themselves. Hire a professional writer and get a convincing statement that will take you one step closer to the desired goal. The lack of connection between the real and ideal perception of their own body and firm willingness to modify their own body and shape so as to standardize them to social concept of thinness (Dixit 1), being focused on unrealistic expectations can cause women to lose themselves and change their attitude on how they view their body, and not for the better. Zendaya Coleman saw a picture of herself on a magazine and became upset about how her picture was edited. C. Wright Mills defined the sociological imagination as the capacity for individuals to understand the relationship between their individual lives and the broad social forces that influence them. In the movie Body Politics, one female named Carrie talks about how the external forces of the media affected her mentality and eventually lead to her becoming anorexic. Who do you think is giving them the idea of the perfect body? We are all about pushing a narrative of melanin beauty while dismantling industry standards. In this world that we are, we especially women always want to do our best to have. Some women are willing to sacrifice comfort and tolerate the pain to achieve them. If a famous actress that is already looked to as gorgeous had to be modified to look better, how can common women ever feel good about themselves? The chapter that really stuck out to me was chapter eight, Its all about the cape, was still the issue of girls and their weight. I will use the sociological imagination to analyze a situation which had a huge impact on me, which will be body image and how media and family affect it. Your body doesnt deserve to be tortured through harsh diets and intense workouts. Instead of looking at peoples character and personality, society decides to judge people based on the way they look. T he death penalty should be outlawed. She looks into the mirror, comparing her body to the . Women would more than likely be shown doing the nonworking roles of the home then a man would. The Media often glamorizes a very thin body for women. 66% of 17-21-year-olds would agree that there is not enough diversity among high-profile women in the media and 56% of women say seeing body diversity in the media made them feel better about themselves. There are many people around the world trying to live up to the beauty standards that society has placed on them. The motivation to become. The harm that comes from perpetuation that these new beauty standards imposed on men and women often cost people their health. As girls begin to hit puberty, their bodies start to change. You need to understand that everything you see on screen is not true. The unrealistic body types of being extremely thin, in pop culture, are influential factors for many teens, especially teen girls. Diversity and Representation Body Image Issues The Male and Female Perspective Plastic Surgery Normalization and Encouragement It includes 45 different graphic organizers for teaching narrative, summary, argumentative, and expository writing at a 25% discount pric. that physical beauty in a woman is conferred by popular beliefs. For example, if someone wants to lose weight and they see that Beyonce has done a 30 day lemon detox and it helped her lose weight, they will try to follow suit. mostly in malaysia fair skin girl is what malaysia call as pretty. Many people believe that they must look like the models in magazine ads and that their life would improve if they got a nose job, a face lift, a tummy tuck etc. These standards for beauty create what our society believes makes a woman desirable, attractive, perfect, and overall beautiful. that striving for what is regarded as the epitome of female physical perfection destroys women. "Fat and Unwanted" "Powerless" "Hideous" "I wish I looked like that." "I'm too skinny." "Meaty" "Short" 3. The result is with the ever changing standards of beauty means women use various ways to alter their bodies and appearance by clothing, makeup, hair, dieting, exercising, and even taking extreme measures to perfect their looks through surgery. YWCAs Beauty at Any Cost discusses this in their article saying that, The pressure to achieve unrealistic physical beauty is an undercurrent in the lives of virtually all women in the United States, and its steady drumbeat is wreaking havoc on women in ways that far exceed the bounds of their physical selves (YWCA). They are willing to go through cirurgical process in order to fit in. Culture is obsessed with outer beauty and being as flawless as you can be, and often leave out how important inner beauty is. This paper posits that the has been a correlation between mass media' establishment of standards of beauty and body image and unhealthy effects on young women, such as eating disorders, loss of self-esteem, and sexual objectification. Young girls are vulnerable and will not take criticism lightly, so it is best for them to be themselves. Churchill. But we can terminate this expectation, so that no woman would ever have to second guess her body. 191 Best Persuasive Speech Topics. Before we begin Get out your writer's notebook to write when I ask you directed questions on the following slides. 1832 Words | 8 Pages. This advertisement was most likely published around the 1950s. Society has a bad habit of shunning and body shaming young females. Persuasive Speech Outline Sarah Collins My topic is: Is it wrong for the media to promote an unrealistic beauty standard and what can we do about it? 7 Pages. Although Turkle may only seem of concern to only a small group of people, it should in fact concern anyone who cares about the negative effects social media can have on people. Yet some may challenge the view that Social Media apps are a reliable and effective method of communicating, Sherry Turkle stresses people are substituting online communication for face-to-face interaction. But the standards are still the same. We can learn to feel comfortable in our own skin. Many of these youngsters end up have eating disorders and other serious mental and physical illnesses. These ideas thus increases the womens body image anxiety especially around people who are unfamiliar to her or people who are said to be perfect. They don't understand. 1644 Words7 Pages. The rise . There has been an increasing number of women that are dissatisfied with themselves due to constant external pressure to look perfect. Who is to decide the beauty standard of men and women? Anorexia is when a woman will starve herself so that she begins to lose weight to an unhealthy level. I'm the darkest among my siblings and would always be pointed o. The popular girl who is captain of the cheer squad could also be the girl kneeling over the toilet gagging up the food she eats. My thesis statement is: I'd like to talk about the . Value yourself and think beyond the stereotypes. Beauty Standards of the Modern Age. Adolescent girls are targeted by culture, pressured by their peers surrounding them, and taunted by their own self-consciousness, often leading up to acquiring an eating disorder. How often do we get to see models who are not thin and slender? Some of these features include fair skin, thin hour-glass body shape for women, muscular body for men, etc. Country or region Malaysia. Beauty standards have historically and continue to reflect Eurocentric paradigms that prize . Everyone has a different perspective and taste in what they see and like. Girls should be able to be themselves without any backlash from peers or anyone. Have you ever looked at an image on Social Media, seen a movie, commercial, or show and looked at yourself and felt ashamed or unsatisfied. In No Model For Girls by Fiona Bawdon, the author explores how models and Photoshop can negatively affect adolescent girls body image. Celebrities and the media play a big part on the beauty . Beauty is defined as "the quality of being physically attractive or the qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or the mind" (Merriam-Webster dictionary, 2014, para. According to Peta Stapleton, Gabrielle J. Crighton, Brett Carter, and Aileen Pidgeon(2017), body dissatisfaction is defined as dysfunctional, negative thoughts and feelings pertaining to ones weight and shape. Specifically, Kathleen Berger (2014) states, Many adolescents obsess about being too short or too tall, too wide in the hips or too narrow, When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see? As we are each driven by the idea that we are able to achieve some sort of perfection, the average person is faced with dissatisfaction of their bodies, some of which may be caused by the media. Mass media is very influential, and young people are very impressionable. The Media often glamorizes a very thin body for women. Whether its magazine covers, instagram, twitter, on television or just on the world wide web in general, everywhere we look we see stunning models. As guest editor of Star Telegram newspaper, I did what was asked of me and reviewed the article written by Susan Bordo Never Just Pictures. However, it is not just, On top of this, 69% of girls in 5th-12th grade reported that magazine pictures and runway models influenced their idea of a perfect body shape (only 5% of the female population naturally has the body type portrayed as ideal in advertisement). Cooking should be taught in schools. We live in a world in which our society influences our everyday routine, behaviors, actions and how we see ourselves. Wrap up your persuasive speech with a strong conclusion. Being On social media every day, every hour, and every minute can really cause damage to your brain cells.Our brain grows as when learn new things and when we learn the new things it changes after we done experienced it. Never Just Pictures should be published because Susan Bordo has factual evidence to back up her reasoning to her claim about body disorders, the role that different types of media have on society, and how it is creating a false image of what true beauty really is. You must have seen how people are portrayed everywhere: on magazines, social,! Pain to achieve them of images and we are influenced by the people see..., celebrities still choose not to use it Coleman saw a picture of herself on magazine. To look perfect Pathos ( Emotion ) to look perfect look perfect girls begin to hit puberty their... Themselves without any backlash from peers or anyone certain appearance or adhering to certain standards this you. People based on the Google Document provided for a man would to look perfect and make your argument.. A big part on the way they look statement that will take you one closer... 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