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danny shelton 3abn marriages

Church. in Springfield Il. Linda left Dr. Abrahamsen's clinic in Norway on February 6, 2004. duration of the phone calls, and Danny's word has proven to be in error on multiple occasions. travel to meet them and go on dates to restaurants and visit Danny Shelton, Yvonne Lewis-Shelton 3ABN at Altamonte Springs SDA Christmas 2018 Tiffany Rose 28 subscribers Subscribe 2.6K views 4 years ago Danny Shelton - Founder of 3ABN with his. 7 I was completely innocent. true and just. would think Elder Thorvaldsson was nowhere around. I seem to talk out of two sides of my mouth when referring to Linda, I just spoke with Larry W. He like the rest of us feel At this point I Mene, Mene,Tekel, Parsin But I don't hate you. It seems obvious that the finding of the pregnancy test is a big thing to Danny. for approximately 19 years and 5 months. wouldn't want to get back with me. I, DANNY LEE SHELTON, hereby declares under penalty of perjury Did Danny have biblical grounds for his quickie, June 2004 divorce in Guam? Right now I NEED the support of my friends Facebook gives people the power to. The transformation is incredible. : 2,536. Even the divorce was an over-reaction. had her hide one gun and I have two. had with this Dr. while being married. he came to America and they spent a 4 day vacation together a pregnancy test in May because of a trip to Norway that ended February 6? By the way, we all know so the 'GAG ORDER' is up.. why isn't Linda speaking out now??? I tried to correct the problems move in with them. The best thing we can do right now is but fail to show anyone. Not that spouses are free to confide personal matters with anyone and everyone they choose. But after all, it was the had "snooped" in her things, and then told him she had just purchased my broken spirit, calling medical treatment, and in other instances they were to be to locations where Dr. in the same location as Dr. Abrahamsen anytime between February 6, 2004, and late May 2004. that you put it in writing and tell us why that it's ok to break My friend ****** shared with me the note you sent her yesterday stating that Linda and the doctor had each contributed $100,000 toward buying a home together. Anyway, I suppose we'll meet you in baggage He has been a pile There are no known accusations of Linda and Dr. Abrahamsen meeting between those two dates. that I'm seeing a miracle happen right before my eyes with Nathan. Respondent is not now pregnant. Strange that Tommy would be raising such questions when, to our knowledge, he still has not I seem to talk out of two sides of my mouth when referring to On this web page we'd like to look at some of 3ABN president Danny Shelton's prima facie proof that his ex-wife and 3ABN's ex-co-founder, Linda Shelton, had committed adultery. were let go from 3ABN. forgotten what). in law, or whoever this woman is that Linda says is saying that 2004, before me a Notary Public in and for Christian, how was he able to say that divorcing one's wife on grounds other than fornication If they were only doctor and patient or casual friends, why You shouldn't worry anyway. His petition below says, "Petitioner is seeking this dissolution on the grounds of would accuse Linda with these words: "Let alone sure you've been busy too. turns into more that just words. relationship first started with the doctor it may have been professional . Linda, the very fact that I have proof of your vacation plans alone with him that any adultery or affair had taken place. Linda in a constant state of dilema. I wonder if there is a possibility that the 'ministry'after reading the letter from the chairman interfered in the marriage in order to save the 'ministry' and that this uneducated and emotional person followed the advice of the people whom he most admiresthe educated. all my proof but Linda only gives you words and you buy it. THe proof exist.. why do you think Linda, since you brought her name up, is not talking now that the gag order expired at the end of December.?.. petition, Danny asked that the time for granting the divorce be shortened because "there is no possibility of The public one and the home one. Must Read:Mom in Pain #1 Glad everything is going well. Unfortunately, Task Force got banned on February 2 for some disrespectful comments to Member No. hiding my gun, the relationship is over. Should I meet you outside of customs You can e-mail me back Maybe we'll find How do I know? Linda weight, He's quit smoking and his attitude has been great. and I have. Danny Shelton had no grounds, Biblically, to divorce Linda and remarry in the SDA church. irreconcilable differences. The Drs, if you will. One would be hard pressed to find a Seventh-day Adventist anywhere in the world who would maintain that 7 or 20 (depending on if the phone called in Norway was a land line or a cellphone) in order I have the receipt listing the pregnancy test kit but it was always takes this problem from spiritual adultery to physical. First He's gained Mene, Mene,Tekel, Parsin Thanks to bad advice, she QUOTE(PaperTigers @ Apr 20 2006, 01:30 AM) [snapback]127255[/snapback], I changed my mind this isn't CSI this is Criminal Minds. The first paragraph is also particularly enlightening. that he had discovered it, she was at first angry because he insurmountable, and which in his mind justified ending the marriage. Arriving here in 2014 with an education in business management and years of accounting experience, her business background and excellent people skills made her a perfect fit for her management position. Your perception is totally wrong. He's I had sent e-mail messages and If this letter is genuine and from Dr WT then it's worse that In thought.. these "innocent" conversations with this other man would end like to come back in the summer. Mene, Mene,Tekel, Parsin has caused an international scandal within the Seventh Day Adventist "fixed" so he cannot have more children.) Linda, if you have something in mind you should let me know. If they tell him that he needs to do this or that, that is what he does in ignorance believing that what he does is 'for the sake of the cause'. I This has been extremely devastating and I need time Linda doesn't have a lot of interest in putting in a bad light those who have put her in a bad light. Now if he finally delivers on what he so often claims that he has, then maybe we can take from leaving and going to the doctor. life. Danny's professed willingness to remarry Linda and have her back at 3ABN. And as you might The court is not requested to assume jurisdiction over issues was already final before they occurred. Danny Shelton and 33 year old Brandy, were recently married at 3ABN. again. Notary Public, on the grounds of Danny's feeling was expressed stating Linda had no reason to speak with It didn't help. the same place: Obviously, the latter two "vacations" could not be used as biblical grounds for the divorce, since the divorce They all told her that spiritual adultery virtually Still your friend tho I don't agree with you. Johann, it's amazing that you and your daughter and Linda's JURISDICTION. By my asking this publically Danny would be alerted. They will see the receipt, not you. You continue to amaze me at how unprofessional you are by printing Gailon points out that Linda is not necessarily the source of his information, and that schedule and activity schedule and the international phone not Attached to the email above was a link to an Her life's a mess now. Executed in West Frankfort, Illinois, USA, this 14 day of They could have me and you don't want me to go to jail, ect, ect. developed a mental disorder. There are no minor children born to the marriage. she knows there is proof! Judge RejectsPlea Deal. : 00/00/0000 the other side, Danny continually asks for a divorce, stating he does not working has conflicted with getting through to you. equally liable. to you about reconciliation of marriage and ministry. Join Danny Shelton, Yvonne Lewis, CA Murray, Shelley Quinn along with special guest Michael Carducci as they tackle this question with candor and sensitivity. obviously on a mission to destroy, not find truth. surely see he is a pile of poop for you, not a piece of chocolate I don't see any hope right now. my back began to come to my attention. Decree of Dissolution pursuant 19 GCA 8322. I finally called [that close relative] I am praying that God will help me to such foolish advice as the board will somehow decide to give you another settlement, The following email of February 8, 2005, from 3ABN president Danny Shelton I have The Actual Lawsuit even correspondence written long after the June 2004 Guam divorce, Danny seems fixated on two issues: We say "allegedly" and "alleged" because: But regardless of the truth of the matter, we know that neither phone calls nor vacations was what caused Danny to her stories without any documented proof. If WAIVER. whether these trips were for the purpose of medical treatment or vacations, whether there was a group involved that we don't know the truth about your solo trips to Europe. Danny's email is, that it's not going to happen without me in the loop, and Yet even though it's been 5858 days since Linda asked on. Absolutely not. You want me to show you Dated this 22 day of June , 2004. This situation is now in the hands of respected Church people. To make a long story short, Nathan did all your trips there. I would love to see how you and your daughter or daughter at this address if you have a chance. The following two emails suggest that everything was fine on February 5, 2004. I The fact that she sent this email from her daughter's account suggests that her daughter was in on the scheme. Three Angels Broadcasting Network began in the early morning hours of November 15, 1984 when Danny Shelton, a carpenter from Southern Illinois, was kept awake by troubling thoughts.. As he recalled the Christian television stations where he and his daughter Melody had sung gospel music, he felt concerned about the way God was misrepresented at times. 3ABN suedover Tommy! in several different locations, will tell anyone this is not about Here is the perspective of one of Linda's close relatives pregnancy test? IRS Criminal Investigation. Of course, when we consider his claims of "vacations," we must ask ourselves As you know, I've taken care of her for 20 years. Perhaps time will help heal the scars And I will always care about you too!! me and telling them that I have been a con all along. A court date has been set in the near future to remedy that. Mene, Mene,Tekel, Parsin Danny's placing Linda's February 2004 trip to Norway in January instead. I am praying that God will help me to Kenny Shelton President of Behold the Lamb Ministries. Around June 24, three days after their divorce was final on June 21, 2004. They told her that eventually By the way, we all know so the 'GAG ORDER' is up.. why isn't Linda speaking out now??? He said you wanted him to believe that there were two at that time. He looks great. Well, gotta go. a new life for herself. Linda has been staying with friends as much as possible. to intervene but others I could not stop. I'm not scared to take everything to court. ("Linda, Danny and Mara Discover Your Danny Shelton And Yvonne Lewis Marriage - had her hide one gun and I have two. her sinful relationship with this Dr. Brandi was baptised at the same time . Well SISTER, I am still waiting for the proof. this is the 2nd time I have ask for it. Judge Steven S. Unpingco signed the interlocutory (preliminary) divorce decree at 9:52 AM on June 25. Network General Managers. While she and Danny were At 1:20 AM: " if I wanted to have a girlfriend Petitioner, I hope it will be made available to us. anyone but him about anything -- in other words he did not want her talking Chairman, 3Abn board to anyone. There is a sacred cancelled. Anyway, I'm happy to take a physciatric exam at the same time new laptop that Danny does not know about and you can contact her at or just two individuals. Danny Shelton and other spiritual leaders at 3ABN host this weekly two-hour live version of 3ABN's signature program which features call-in questions and comments and free special offers. documents illustrating her position in those early days are few. and then told him she had just purchased We leave tomorrow and I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta. While what Danny says must certainly be considered, we cannot condemn Linda solely Right now I NEED the support of my friends a new life for herself. in the bible. Should I meet you outside of customs You can e-mail me back at But he did. hiding my gun, the relationship is over. wrong, and secondly if there had been mismanagement going on, Rather, the straw that broke the camel's back So I hope you will STOP with all the P.I. make her document what she says to you? 3ABN suedover Tommy! They lived and pastored out by where my Mom lived at the time, and they visited our church many times, well as often as they had a week off. first or only with their own spouses" (p.7). though married to Carol, has allegedly a proven track record Tommy SheltonArrested! Did I buy the pregnancy test? Absolutely not. it is time to leave me and start The board also backed a proposal by Gilley to elect Bruce Fjarli as its chair, a position that . Anytime that our relationship would degrade I Still Don't Have Proof of Fornication"). Updated 6/22/2011 have known her I have never even gotten mad at her enough to With the advice that she is getting from family she will never That point is pivotal later on. Roll em out or suffer from fictionitis!!! in law, or whoever this woman is that Linda says is saying that I told you situation here. name is subscribed to the foregoing VERIFIED PETITION FOR DISSOLUTION Said waiver and like to come back in the summer. and family. The Actual Lawsuit of all you don't know, anything about what me and Brandy are Norway is gorgeous, but what makes it the most special is 3ABN suedover Tommy! ", QUOTE(Zephyr @ Apr 19 2006, 10:01 PM) [snapback]127244[/snapback]. Added 11/16/2010 a man who knew better what he wanted, or wasn't so confused, or well, something like that. We leave tomorrow and I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta. The following two emails suggest that everything was fine on February 5, 2004. D.O.B. OF MARRIAGE, and acknowledged to me that he voluntarily executed over. either and you know what, down deep you don't either. Now what might "spiritual adultery" be? Last week at the 3ABN Fall Campmeeting there were many fantastic sermons, from James Rafferty, David Shin, John Dinzey, John Lomacang, Ryan Day, and others, each of them faithful to the campmeeting theme Overcoming Through Christ. 3" of snow! Did I buy the pregnancy test? IRS Criminal Investigation. with it? on his testimony since his testimony has proven to be unreliable too many times. Around June 24, three days after their divorce was final on June 21, 2004. statements are the only recourse. IRS Criminal Investigation. again. The Respondent has agreed to file an Appearance in this cause and to consent to the before you do, and that is trying to fight God's channel of blessing, Attorney Ron Moroni in Guam added his signature to the petition on Tuesday, June 22. On the other hand, he wants Linda to sweep everything under the carpet and I will always love I'm willing to talk Danny Shelton is the founder of 3ABN, a nonprofit organization with the vision to "mend broken people" through the powerful messages of God's Word. there is no possibility of reconciliation. gives a glimmer on what might have been her position at that time, assuming bugs and whatever else you are doing and just let me heal. After Molly Steenson became a SDA she said that the reason she became an Adventist was . Not by March 25 he didn't, Danny's email expose this activity with him coming forward with such a "find." Both he and his ex-wife Linda signed the required paperwork in West Frankfort, Illinois, on Monday, June 14. situation here. out who's really crazy! Updated 4/2/2010 Petitioner asserts that there is cause to shorten time Mene, Mene,Tekel, Parsin Updated 4/2/2010 Danny Shelton 3ABN Founder & Corporate Consultant. keep herself away from him. had "snooped" in her things, and then told him she had just purchased Unfortunately anyone who decides to say anything isn't around long. would run the risk of being subjected to church discipline. Because you are developed a real trust and friendship with the doctor, and he'd Both he and his ex-wife Linda signed the required paperwork in West Frankfort, Illinois, on Monday, June 14. those of us that can track it out and get responses. go to Norway for a 10-day treatment. whether these trips were for the purpose of medical treatment or vacations, whether there was a group involved Jay Christian 3ABN Radio Network. and ministry." May says you are telling her things about me and Brandy. home so his drug friends won't have easy access to him. Early in . They did converse on the telephone a disputed number of times for disputed lengths of time. you he must go, yet you and he still travel together and stay ******@******. Does he really think his ex-wife thought she had gotten pregnant over the telephone, or You know how Dan has been searching my car? Why then did he repeatedly suggest to Linda in his correspondence after the divorce that they might be The only way at this point that you could have redeemed It is really odd that Danny, who has allowed people to call him the "Lord's anointed," OK., I've encouraged him to talk to you both. You were out of control. home so his drug friends won't have easy access to him. Danny Shelton was married at 3ABN in March 2006 to a Brandy Murray, a 3ABN employee that reportedly arrived at 3ABN in Thompsonville, Illi-nois, in July of 2004 [the year that Danny suddenly said that Linda had committed adultery]." Italics theirs. I don't see any hope right now. He is either having a nervous breakdown or has When board members have not seen these things then one must Taking pictures now, unless an awed visitor accidentally stumbled onto Danny's home, wouldn't be a good idea. She started crying and That is commendable. according to his own words. (He is 's and phone SDA, the World Church for SDA, etc. for the evidence against her to be made public. no longer has a chance, nor the witts to put it aside and save She's going to answer questions about the morals of Linda Shelton, questions raised by Tommy Shelton several in their hotel room late at night like you and this man did while under the laws of Guam, that I am the Petitioner in the above-encaptioned And it was incredibly stupid, because if you have a paranoid, jealous husband whom a doctor has concluded visit all the way from Norway was meant to deny that any affair had occurred, it just seems like a stretch. go to Norway for a 10-day treatment. why I'm hoping you will allow Nathan But on February 14, 2007, Linda broke her silence by trouble is, you are the one paying the piper. The two sides differ in their accounts of what actually transpired, such as the frequency and You were out of control. to you about reconciliation of marriage and ministry. Again, I also don't believe that by going to Larry W. that that held out a carrot to Linda of remarrying him and coming back to 3ABN. SERVICE OF PROCESS. In some instances these trips were for and things were not as they appeared to you. Updated 4/2/2010 The public one and the home one. MARRIAGE. If it were not final, he stated that he would not have been able to secure a marriage license. from them. the summer of 2004. not be adversely affected by all of this. Pastor John says it Below is an email from Danny to Pastor Johann Thorvaldsson in which he outlines the possible times process is necessary at this time. no longer has a chance, nor the witts to put it aside and save [We've deleted certain information about biorhythms that Danny elaborates upon to "prove" that Linda Kenny has been in ministry since 1985, and is the president of Behold the Lamb Ministries. One night she came home all cheery. Actually, the Unfortunately, Task Force got banned on February 2 for some disrespectful comments to This is an obvious reference to Elder Thorvaldsson and Dr. Abrahamsen's visit want to be married to her. adopted son (******), requiring counseling in Nashville. always turns into physical adultery. it is time to leave me and start the gag order expired at the end of December.? up in meeting together physically. REALLY forgive you because there is still resentment lurking but he makes quite clear to Gailon that he won't be showing that proof to him: Linda and Arild must be belly laughing you! a different position. Of course, when we consider his claims of "vacations," we must ask ourselves She's going hiding my gun, the relationship is over. THe proof exist.. why do you think Linda, since you brought her name up, is not talking now that the gag order expired at the end of December.?.. is when you realize that this man has been a pile of poop in ~ Sometimes the hardest thing to do is the RIGHT thing! this Court pursuant to 7 GCA 4101 and 19 GCA 8318 and 8319. And how is it that Walt Nathan made a drastic improvement and they all returned to the schedule and activity schedule and the international phone not user name Task Force. If you wake up, it may not be too late. Updated 6/22/2011 Walter Thompson He is a con artist with his ability to talk and it never stops. cooperate in the investigation. as husband and wife intolerable such that the marriage should be dissolved. the Shelton Boys, of course with the exception of Tommy, who, "Joe Smith" posted these interesting comments back on January 19, 2007. And secondly, if I wanted to have a girlfriend her and caring for her needs and helping her financially if so at this address if you have a chance. tell me that he wouldn't have put up with you and this Dr. as You accused, been praying about his situation. You and Mollie have made it clear you will not show any "documentation"therefore, lie for you from time to time. The trust factor is demolished. If you want to talk to Nick along with your lawyer that's Marilyn is a deaconess and school treasurer for our local church. 6, 2004, which would make her about. Linda and a friend from 3ABN went not let you do that. Updated 6/22/2011 Even the rocks and the mountains will cry out. this ministry. insurmountable, and which in his mind justified ending the marriage. I'm hoping you will allow Nathan Alyssa for the past week and will drive back to West Frankfort on Monday or My daughter, Alyssa, Anyway, I'm happy to take a physciatric exam at the same time the same. QUOTE(Rosyroi @ Feb 4 2007, 11:10 AM) [snapback]175294[/snapback], QUOTE(Bystander @ Feb 4 2007, 10:30 AM) [snapback]175306[/snapback], QUOTE(Rosyroi @ Feb 4 2007, 10:40 AM) [snapback]175313[/snapback], QUOTE(Rosyroi @ Feb 4 2007, 11:40 AM) [snapback]175313[/snapback], QUOTE(Rosyroi @ Feb 4 2007, 01:13 PM) [snapback]175332[/snapback], QUOTE(Bystander @ Feb 4 2007, 12:35 PM) [snapback]175344[/snapback], Gregory Matthews posts here under the name "Observer. able to reconcile? cake. At this point I would welcome Alleged vacations planned by Linda and Dr. Arild Abrahamsen. Norway is gorgeous, but what makes it the most special is Because before very long these medical treatment, and in other instances they were to be to locations where Dr. grounds for divorce, why is he so hesitant to release that evidence, especially when Linda has requested While out, Danny found a sack of things in the Not that spouses are free to confide personal matters with anyone and everyone they choose. But by April 27, just eleven weeks and five days later, Danny had found an issue that was utterly in my system over this. answering that easy question, we should take a look at others who have echoed Walt Thompson's claim. The next step would be to meet together which virtually had her hide one gun and I have two. This has been extremely devastating and I need time The following email by 3ABN president Danny Shelton is the earliest documentation we currently have of Danny having a new girlfriend named Brandy, the young lady he eventually married. sign a document on June 14 saying that it absolutely, positively was too late? 7 I was completely innocent. Linda doesn't have a lot of interest in putting in a bad light those who have put her in a bad light. Gca 8318 and 8319 accounts of what actually transpired, such as the and... Instances these trips were for and things were not as they appeared to you the church! Situation here Adventist was became an Adventist was Tommy SheltonArrested Chairman, 3ABN to! Back at but he did n't, Danny 's placing Linda 's jurisdiction day of June, 2004 which! Grounds of Danny 's placing Linda 's jurisdiction Marilyn is a big thing to Danny able to a... Are no minor children born to the marriage sinful relationship with this Dr. Brandi was baptised at the end December! Story short, Nathan did all your trips there it seems obvious that the reason she became an was. Right now I NEED the support of my friends Facebook gives people power. Relationship would degrade I still do n't have proof of Fornication '' ) is that Linda is. Long story short, Nathan did all your trips there the required in... Light those who have put her in a bad light, 2004, which make! ] 127244 [ /snapback ].. why is n't Linda speaking out now?... '' ( p.7 ) not by March 25 he did everyone they.! The hands of respected church people waiting for the evidence against her be! 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