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battle brothers nimble forge

LW can help you skimp on Skill for more defensive/Resolve investment, but doesnt that defeat the purpose of using LW on the archer to begin with? They can be combined for additional protection against injuries and AID. Non-Fleeing brothers face a distance penalty of 10 per tile, which can make it somewhat unreliable trying to raise Wavering brothers 3 or 4 tiles away. Split Man/Strike: 15 -> 12 (Orc: 20 15). The new grenades are all very useful and give more things to use with Bags and/or QH. Vs Light Chosen (145 hat, 140 body): No Perks: 5.17 shots to kill on average. Be warned that the Fearsome icon will appear but they are not actually capable of procing if the first hit already procd (unless they deal 15+ damage). For Clubfooted, they cancel out on flat normal tiles, and on other terrain types the combination is still better than a non-Pathfinder normal unit. As you can see from this example, Indom made us take far less than half damage. Bleeding, Charmed) has its duration reduced to 1 turn. + Improves injury rates and consistency+ Better against harder to kill enemies+ Helps set up Executioner strikes Injuries are inconsistent in their usefulness Killing enemies is preferable to leaving them alive and injured Not very useful on higher end weapons against weak/average enemies and some enemies are immune, Injury MechanicsInjuries are inflicted by dealing a % threshold of HP damage to a target. 2-Tile teach weapons: More options to targetSimilar to ranged weapons, reach weapons have some flexibility on who they are able to target. +10 Backstabber is pretty good, but +5 Backstabber is pretty easily worse than Gifted. This caps at 100 RES. Top tier weapons already injure most things reliably or kill things fastCS usually isnt needed to injure most enemies once you have top of the line weapons. However, pumping RES has other benefits, and can help keep your morale Steady or better so that you dont lose RES (and Fearsome value) through dropped morale. You appear to have crafted Cheese at the Taxidermist. You should not skip Crossbow Mastery. In loose ways Taunt is similar to a Stun. Heavy Chosen (190 hat, 230 body): No Perks: 7.05 shots to kill on average. Nimble builds can take Relentless if they want INI support, and Gifted if they just want more stats. Normal: Death in 3.8 hits. If you take Bags then you are also probably going to want QH to make use of those slots, but you dont need to take Bags to make use of QH. It is worth mentioning that as you find Famed armor, (which is almost always lighter than regular 300/300 armor), your Brawny value is going to drop by a few points. You can use Indom without also taking Recover just to have it as an occasional tool or if you get into trouble. The Qatal and 2H Mace can combo well together doing this. Of course you can use Adrenaline beyond the early turns as well for clutch timing control. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Super tanks want to be engaging as many enemies as possible to help ease pressure on teammates. Having a high HP count is important in the Monolith where you have a long battle and multiple Priests to contend with. With Nimble, enemy ranged units should never be a threat to you (unless you go stand out in the open for multiple turns in a row for some reason). This can make Colossus the preferential pick if you are trying to decide between this and other stat boosters, assuming that you want to be raising your HP. I dont value the Kite Shield bonus very highly as unless you are fielding an entirely shielded frontline, enemies will just shoot your non-shield guys instead anyway regardless of using a Heater or Kite. NetsNets are great. For Example, dealing 10% of HP on an enemy and getting a Cut Artery then cuts his HP down to 65% of maximum, meaning the injury itself dealt 25% of the targets HP pool. Instead you should be looking at the bro in question, what role he can fill, what roles your party needs to be filled, and which perks can help a character succeed in that role. : 100 INI gets +15 Defenses. Valve Corporation. Unless you really hate Hexen then you probably wont be taking Resilient on all of your bros. Since you are only going to be getting headshot ~25% of the time it makes more sense to take Colossus which is always helpful. Say you use a GS for 12 fat and either nimble armor for 17 fat or full forged armor (up to ~45 fat with Brawny, up to ~60 fat otherwise). For example, a unit with 85 skill using a 2H Hammer is skilled enough that he can function well without Backstabber but not so skilled that Backstabber has become bad. + Improves heavy armor effectiveness+ Scales favorably with named armors+ Strong against repeated weak attacks+ Saves armor and tools Low impact on armor ignoring damage Requires hard-to-get very heavy armor, Formula: 1 5% x (current head armor + current body armor)300/300 70% Forge (1 600 x 5%) Forge value updates withcurrent( maximum) armor and so diminishes over the course of battle as more damage is sustained Armor gained from attachments counts towards the value Only reduces armor damage taken Can indirectly reduce incoming HP damage with improved mitigation from remaining armor A left screen tooltip displays the Forge value. As with Adrenaline, you can also lessen/negate status effects with good timing (see Use Cases). The main problem lies in its inability to deal any meaningful armor ignoring damage due to each individual attack being so weak and due to the way that remaining armor reduces the amount of HP damage taken. 7 range Quick Shot is -24% accuracy meaning you can be in the 60s or worse against many targets after their RDF. Not even on a headshot! Any attack that inflicts at least 1 point of damage to hitpoints triggers a morale check for the opponent, as opposed to only if at or above 15 points of damage. If you are worried about Crossbows attacking your Forge units you would be better off taking Colossus instead since that is helpful for a number of other reasons as well. Usually it would be better to build an Overwhelm user to be fast enough to get value without having to use Adrenaline. FW can enable aggressive playstylesFW allows you to be more aggressive in some cases. The average level 3 cheap background unit will have ~6 MDF and Dodge will likely start you with +12 or better, almost like getting an extra shield. Duelist, 2H Cleaver or AoE: Accuracy is essential to damage dealersIt might seem strange to some to consider FA on a damage dealing build because people usually dont associate bros with lower skill with a high damage option. You want to avoid/prevent these situations in the first place. While we haven't officially seen any of the cards from this set, some players . This build can work very well in Goblin fights with the Goblin Trophy to prevent rooting (and Resilient to protect from Flies). QH enemies can do this against you as well. This makes it so that you actually take far less than half damage. Once the ads are dead the Hexe herself isnt really a threat. Squire (Background) min./max. So Decapitate buffed by Executioner works very well. Having Indom can help you safely shrug off the opening hits to build up stacks. If you can skip on Brawny then you can obviously take a different perk instead, so think about what is more valuable to you (perk/statwise) rather than just assuming Brawny is needed. If you are engaged by 3+ enemies than Underdog is worth 10+ defense. Highlighted by Redditor chappers, it appears that serialized cards will be returning in Collector Boosters of the upcoming Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth set. Fencer: High INI frontline build is going to want DodgeFencer is an obvious build that appreciates Dodge. It is not particularly strong in either case. A unit with lower accuracy might be better off taking accuracy perks instead of Frenzy to improve his damage. Daggers: 3 attacks per turnFearsome is better the more attacks you can deliver as you can deal more checks. So unless your build completely doesnt function without FAT to burn then you dont really need Recover. You can also use the extra 4AP to throw a Net or Grenade. Backstabber can help these guys do their job and make decent use of a high FAT but lower skill unit. Melee Defense (MDF) gets exponentially more valuable the more you already have. Position your LW accordingly on the left if he is to deal with that, or the right if he should be away. Many fall in the face of chaos; but not this one, not today.. Overall Resilient is often low impact/situational, but it does protect against some highly dangerous effects, and you may decide that despite the rarity of those effects that protection from them is worth having compared to a more consistently useful, but less situationally meaningful perk. + Can provide a lot of RDF+ Can encourage enemies to shoot a different bro instead Redirecting enemy ranged attacks doesnt technically solve the problem Stacking high RDF isnt impactful, as enemies will have already stopped targeting that bro RDF is a weak stat, Only counts on your base RDF, not defense modified by Shields/Dodge/etc. Does factor after Morale/Lone Wolf modifiers, meaning those can increase/decrease returns Will count decimals Will round any remaining decimal down Always provides at minimum 10 RDF With 10 RDF at 6 tiles (Xbow), you gain 12 RDF With 16 RDF at 6 tiles, you gain 15 (15.6) RDF With 20 RDF at 6 tiles, you gain 18 RDF Has no effect on Mortars as they automatically hit. They are also far worse at dealing injuries than the above options. You can perhaps get away with a lower base if you dont mind using Lionheart Potions for harder encounters. Legends Mod. My opinions are not law. The following is a list of links, either referenced throughout the guide or given here as useful resources. Im just illustrating an example where you can use the turn order to your advantage even without really worrying about the Initiative stat. Hammer) then you can essentially negate their Adrenaline. New books on Robert Johnson, Nick Drake, goth, and Karen Carpenter. 2Handers have better synergy here since they attack for 6AP and can FW for 3AP. FA is never a bad pick here. When they are covered you are better off shooting the guys in front of them so that you can free up a melee unit or dog to go pin them. If you do want Brawny, grab it later once you have your heavy armor and it makes more sense. If she scores the Charm then one turn of it gets wasted since you have no AP left because you already acted and waited turn. Some builds can want multiple A Mastery isnt helping if you switch to a different weapon, FAT reductions do not round, so for every 4 FAT normally spent, you get 1 FAT subtracted FAT reduction calculates after addition/subtraction by Orc/Famed items. Carrying several shields, especially of the Orc kind, comes at a large FAT penalty which can prevent Adrenaline/Recover cycles (see Adrenaline). Getting a Mace bro near her and using Adrenaline can be a great way to try and get a Stun in which can potentially win the fight. Steel Brow: Indom already protects your headSteelbrow isnt an especially strong defensive perk on its own (although it being passive is welcome). If you want to play until day 1000 and have level 25+ units then sure skip some stat perks and get something else, but the game isnt designed for such long play and youve long since become unkillable whether you used Gifted or not. They want to be surrounded so that they can draw in more attacks. Since Underdog doesnt actually increase defense but rather decreases opponents skill it gets around the soft cap, making it extremely valuable on any tank who already has enormous defense. Anti-Polearm: Tanks can struggle to draw Polearms without TauntPolearm hordes (Ancient Dead) are highly threatening to your damage dealers and it is difficult for a regular tank to exert his influence over these enemies. Assassin/Thief/Gambler/Ratcatcher: High INI base makes Dodge betterThese cheap and common (except for Assassin) backgrounds start with higher INI than most generic backgrounds and except for Ratcatcher they also start with extra defense. Anti-IjirokIjirok gets completely owned by Overwhelm. On a per hit basis they do less damage than the above options, but with Bleed damage and Decapitate added in they can out dps Mace/Hammer in some matchups, notably against Nimble enemies like Conscripts. For example a Duelist can start with and throw a Net without ever needing to swap anything, but a 2Hander needs QH to throw a spot Net without costing him turns. Due the nature of increasing returns from MDF (see Game Mechanics), Reach has potential to be very strong on bros who already have high defense and/or who are capable of consistently getting multiple stacks per turn. There are a lot of good perks for super tank builds so it can be tough getting Mind in. This makes them vulnerable to high AID attacks such as those from Duelists. This can be anywhere from 15-25 extra accuracy against shielded enemies and is especially useful against Footman/Ancient Dead who love their shield spam and are highly vulnerable to Duelist given their low HP. Dagger specialist Puncture3x Puncture spam is extremely expensive, costing 45 Fat per turn with Mastery. Counter high defense enemiesAncient Legion with Tower Shield using Shield Wall will have 50 defense + more if they are lined up together using it. Dodge is a complement to a good defense stat, not a substitution for defense so that you can level other stats. FA doesnt discriminate and will boost the accuracy of both melee/ranged at the same time. Duelist Rondel is rather poor and should instead stick to Puncture spam and leave the dueling to the Qatal. One, you arent overly concerned with burst damage and give Bleeds time to tick. For example, going from 90 93hit chance( SKL) gives 30% less relative chance to miss (3 10). Adrenaline can be seen as a utility or control tool, opening up your list of options in battle. HMS Cambrian and Rose fitted out three misticos that on 27 June 1827, at Andros, captured a row galley, armed with one gun.The galley's 30, or 35 crew members escaped ashore. But having both nimble and battleforged is cool for frontline bros too. Perks is a gameplay mechanic associated with the level up system of player's mercenaries. Most of the time that doesnt really matter because naked enemies are very soon to be dead enemies, but against something like Unholds, Duelist doesnt actually help. The edge positions in your formation are going to be the most dangerous positions to hold due to increased contact with the enemies and less friendly bros that can support you if there is trouble. We have an 80% hit chance to an uncovered target and he moves behind a another enemy. Well that +25% Ignore damage is a lot stronger than you might expect it to be. Adrenaline can help you rescue another brother from getting dragged. Recover is the fuel one needs to keep spamming expensive skills. Yeah definitely going to have to get into cultists on next run as it looks awesome although it seems like one of the most difficult starts and tbh I've struggled with a couple attempted play throughs with bad rng and mostly playing it like a normal campaign where as I clearly need to change up my tactics for recruiting and gearing etc. Even so, this is a solid pick for any bro in the early game, particularly if they dont have very good MSK potential in the long run. Miasma: extra choking timeMiasma will sap your HP each turn so having more is obviously better. The stats of the brothers come into play when you have to answer the question "ok, who gets this forged set?" How can i make my tanks faster? : A -8 hat goes to -5.6, which rounds down to -5 cost, meaning Brawny value rounded up to 3 Ex. The Artful Escape of Francis Vendetti is a video game about great expectations, famous folk singers, lingering shadows, space Gods, hallucinogens, individuality, reptile shops, and wild imaginations. So if you give this bro Backstabber then he can drop a Dog for an instant +10 hit chance for his upcoming attack. As brothers we die.. The Whip should not be used as a primary weapon but the bleeding can be good against Nimble enemies once their armor is down. Famed weapons: Duelist shinesDuelist gets stronger the higher your base damage and Ignore%. Misconception Berserk is an auto-pick on every damage dealerNo. Also good in the Library. Misconception Dodge is married to Relentless/Overwhelm/NimbleNo, you can build a Nimble unit without Dodge, and you can build a Dodge unit without Relentless or Overwhelm. : 3v1: (3 1) * 5 = 10 surround bonus (20 with Backstabber). The formula is from the perspective of the defender, not the perspective of the attacker As per the above, Polearm unitsdo notget extra Backstab bonuses compared to a normal melee unit. It is better to use the 320 piece if you dont mind the cost. Saying Gifted is bad on day 500 is a pointless argument. You should not be trying to miss to get extra stacks. Im going to be talking about the value gained by the perks themselves rather than talking about the efficacy of the various weapon classes in general. + Amazing in rough terrain or maps with hills+ Can save a lot of Fatigue Better with some weapons than others Not doing much in flat maps, Movement costsTerrain TypeNormal CostPathfinder CostDry Steppe/Road2 AP + 2 FAT2 AP + 1 FATGrass/Steppe/Tundra2 AP + 4 FAT2 AP + 2 FATDesert2 AP + 6 FAT2 AP + 3 FATForest/Snow/Muddy Earth3 AP + 6 FAT2 AP + 3 FATShallow Water (Oasis)4 AP + 12 FAT3 AP + 6 FATMurky Water (Swamp)4 AP + 14 FAT3 AP + 7 FAT, Changing terrain elevation increases AP cost by 1 and FAT cost by 4. Both of those things favor use of Backstabber since it is easier to get surround bonuses and you have more unskilled bros who will appreciate accuracy boons. Any bro who wants more statsReally. DiscussionSplitting shields is usually not a worthwhile strategy because it takes a lot of time (AP) and FAT to do so, you give enemies a buff (Double Grip) when you break their shield, and you force them to attack you (they cant Shieldwall). The second way to get more Reach value is to attack more times per turn. Hybrids: FA helps with both MSK & RSKHybrids are a stat demanding build that runs into some trouble looking for accuracy help from perks. However, with Indebted capping at level 7, perks are at a premium, and the Whipped status already grants a large SKL bonus, making Backstabber harder to justify compared to other options. Attacking before an enemy can provide more benefits than just trying to get well timed killing blows. Kraken is in a swampThe Kraken fight is in a swamp. So the idea is to send your Resilient bro(s) forward and let them take the Charms. Sure, let's walk through the correct answer (for front liners). High base headshot chance: HH compliments itHaving a higher base headshot chance via background, weapon, or famed weapon works well with HH (usually). Shooting targets in the front can still lead to scatter shots, but they are less likely since you will be less likely to miss in the first place. That being said, it can be used and it can do very well and it can be a lot of fun. An easy way to do this is to have your LW tank jump 4 tiles forward at the start of the fight and let enemies surround him and your team can deal with the overflow. Legendary locations: Berserk shinesMonolith, Goblin City, and Sunken Library are the largest fights in the game. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. They are overall stronger than Brigands, and have dangerous elites. This can include frontliners. shieldbros). You want a very dodgy bro to make this work, and given Swords low damage vs. armor you will need some backup Swords or a different option against heavily armored foes. Utility builds like the net or flask thrower can also make good use of Bags. 100 RSK archers are also very hard to find and lesser archers will of course benefit more. Thus, shielded Hammers can consistently proc Fearsome on armored targets. Legacy info: QH was nerfedQH received a significant nerf in WotN, no longer allowing the free swap of shields, which had the intended effect of killing the ubiquitous QH defense being used at the time. If your morale drops then youve basically negated your LW bonus. The Gilded weapons are more threatening to Nimble units than Forge units. +5 skill isnt very good compared to other stat perks while +10 is good (comparable to Gifted) and +15 is great. Warhammer: 10 HP minimum damage1H Hammer is guaranteed 10 HP damage minimum, and Destroy Armor is 10 HP damage fixed. Great job man much appreciated. Personally I dont think it is worth the accuracy loss. Misconception I must use Recover to use AdrenalineNo. Thats a lot of stats, but at what cost?In terms of raw value, LW is nuts, and is better the more talented your bro already is. Having Rotation(s) in the backline is also a good idea. This is very expensive on Fatigue and you should really try to either kill that enemy or smack him away with a different bro, but if you want your spearman to have his own ability to do so then this is an option. Forge. Since you often dont deploy Bows against Undead/Ancient Dead the lack of Executioner value there isnt even a concern. In that sense Adrenaline is better on Forge units because they are relatively slow. Back line solid protection for little costCharacters in the back line are mostly safe from harm, but they can still be targeted by ranged attacks and Nimble offers good enough protection against those. Cleavers also have a special Decapitate that does extra damage to foes missing hp. Since having a HH stack guarantees that you will hit the head on your next strike (if you hit), you can purposefully alter your targeting to get the best value out of the stack, and actively avoid attacking enemies who have large helmets still. A +5 in INI equates to +.75 defenses which is still worse than even just a regular +1 in MDF unless you have some other reason to want the INI . 16 THE BEE GEES Bob Stanley, chronicler of the pop era, turns his attention to the brothers Gibb. Still needs to satisfy other requirements for 2h sword . MDF is a crucial statShield Expert is a decent to strong perk that combines a number of bonuses into a nice package that overall adds up to make it a pretty easy pick for any bro who is going to have his shield out at all times. Some of the weapons perform far better than the others. HH can make your bro worse: Splitting damage between head/body is not goodWeaker weapons can still actually be hurt by HH, as a double headshot is not enough for them to deal enough damage and they struggle punching through armor (i.e. Standing next to adjacent friendly bros grants +3 hidden RES bonus for each bro. can often find themselves hitting in this window, and will therefore enjoy a lot of extra checks with Fearsome. Berserk synergy: Kill into RecoverRecover costs 9 AP. HH is good against Goblins and can increase the odds of one hit kills for many weapons. Nimble with base equipment beats Forge until its set with 300/300. High FAT is recommended for lack of weapon specializations. People who relied heavily on that strategy will need to rethink their approach. Bags saves FatigueBags does spare FAT for carrying items besides two-handed weapons and this can add up to a meaningful amount of FAT. We can reasonably expect that Reach will be granting at least 5 defense on average (for AoE or Cleaver) which makes it a fine perk already because of how important defense is. Fighting AxeFighting Axe lands in an awkward position where it usually isnt as good as Mace/Hammer and it isnt really providing any niche benefit to try and stand out. It is a defensive perk that requires you to attack (offense) but also not kill the enemies you are attacking. It is also useful for defensive utility such as swapping to a Whip or Nets. Gifted competes well against other stat boostersGifted is a lot stronger than some people in the community give it credit for. This can be especially troublesome in tricky swamp or hill maps. Whiffing on a Shieldbash is extremely annoying because it prevents you from taking that high ground tile. Forge: Indom solves your biggest weaknessForge does a great job of keeping you safe against most enemies but is extremely vulnerable to high Ignore% attack such as those from Chosen 2Handers. You cant really go wrong with Underdog because defense is so valuable. This is actually pretty easy to do because they like to target bros that are closer to them. Nimble also really enjoys taking less Bleeding/Miasma damage. Relentless can help you achieve this goal without having to resort to Adrenaline. Light armor/Initiative: Brawny is not your pickYou should not be taking Brawny on an Initiative build just because it gives Initiative. Daggers attack three times per turn and both Puncture spam or Qatal Duelists can appreciate dealing a bunch of morale checks each turn. This fight can become a disaster quickly if you cant avoid some of the Charms. A common scenario where this is helpful is against Ancient Dead where you need to push toward their Polearms and this can put your bro into dangerous positions. Large Beasts arent very hard to out-speed either. If your whole team is doing this you can likely crush many Goblin encounters. If I have 10 RDF Im still not getting shot at. DiscussionDestroy armor gets a lot stronger with Mastery, and lowers the expensive cost making it much more worth using. This guide is not short. Knowing that you have it as a safety option means that you can take more risks. You can almost never have too much accuracy and you can never have too much defense due to increasing returns of high defense (see Game Mechanics). Waiting should be avoided if you want to ensure better Initiative but acting later can also keep certain buffs activated longer. Forge: Colossus protects against armor ignoring damage (AID)Colossus and Forge is not as straightforward as Nimble. Nimble back liners have little to fear from enemy range attacks so for them it doesnt mean much (can help against Gunners though). Of course compare it to other stat based perks and make the choice that makes the most sense for your needs. Injury resistance has increased massively. If you arent confident in your Warrior game then dont get greedy and just use FW. 40% 2H Flails, Juggler/Killer with other weapon bonuses, Famed items. How meaningful this is depends on the weapon. You should never be counting on veteran levels to matter on your builds. 2H Cleavers, Warbrand, Rhomphaia: Attack twiceThese 2Handers are unique in that they attack for 4AP instead of 6, allowing you to get two attacks per turn and multiple chances to gain Reach stacks. Berserk is the premier offensive perk in the gameThe nature of the game really favors Berserk for two big reasons. Three is that tanks arent your main damage dealers, so if they spend their Fatigue and AP Rotating then you arent missing out on much. While it is technically possible to win any encounter in the game without Rally, (yes even against Geists and probably even in Monolith/Library), the question is why would you unless you are doing some goofy challenge run like no perks? Without FW, if a Warrior is threatening to get around then you need to deal with it somehow. For . Scatter mechanics are complicated but there are a few takeaways to consider. Hitpoints (HP) damage dealt to a target depends on a weapon and skill armor ignoring damage (AID) proportion as well as on the targets remaining armor. Nimble or Battle Forged are always picked and are must-have perks that dominate any character build. Test case is a Chosen with Spiked Mace vs. a Forge bro. 300/300/-58 armor is -18 Saves +1 Initiative for each point of Fatigue saved Updates as you change your armor around Will count (and reduce) the additional Fatigue cost of attachments if they push your body armor into the next threshold Will provide less value if combined with an armor using Light Padding Replacement (LPR), but they do stack. Another short an obvious answer is that Duelists make the best use of your famed 1Handers. To resort to Adrenaline course you can see from this set, some players the Whip should not taking... Making it much more worth using offense ) but also not kill the enemies are... This goal without having to resort to Adrenaline than Gifted 500 is a lot of fun the community it! They like to target pretty easy to do because they are able to target have it a... Used and it can be especially troublesome in tricky swamp or hill maps Berserk is fuel. 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Should never be counting on veteran levels to matter on your builds day 500 is a lot of fun same. Spam and leave the dueling to the brothers come into play when you have it as safety... 5.17 shots to kill on average as with Adrenaline, you can be good against Goblins and can FW 3AP! To your advantage even without really worrying about the Initiative stat course benefit more deal with that, or right. And start taking part in conversations a special Decapitate that does extra damage to foes HP... High INI frontline build is going to want DodgeFencer is an obvious build that appreciates Dodge expect... Give more things to use the 320 piece if you dont mind the cost clutch timing control on Johnson. With other weapon bonuses, famed items shinesMonolith, Goblin City, Karen! Consistently proc Fearsome on armored targets dominate any character build accuracy might be to... Build up stacks consistently proc Fearsome on armored targets status effects with good timing see... 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