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rocky mountain arsenal conspiracy

Treatment plants remove contaminants from groundwater to keep them out of domestic wells. Additional cement barriers were placed inside the casing across zones that could access water-bearing formations (aquifers). In September 2017, the state of Colorado filed a lawsuit to sue the United States government for the right to control the contaminated areas of the RMA. The facility was built in 1942, in response to the outbreak of World War II in Europe. Roughly 10 miles (16 kilometers) from downtown Denver, the arsenal was once an environmental nightmare where chemical weapons and commercial pesticides were made. The second largest earthquake in the Denver series occurred on November 26, 1967. The contaminated groundwater that still exists in and around RMA continues to be actively monitored. 24,590 were here. Now a majority are voluntarily adopting them. Both the landfills and the covers are built to prevent intrusion by humans or animals, and also to prevent further contamination to the groundwater. The U.S. Army has begun removing Building 130, which is located northeast of the Refuge Visitors Center. Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge (credit: CBS) Nick Kaczor and his team were also out -- trying to find the black footed ferrets. Beginning in 1942, the Army used the 27-square-mile arsenal at 5650 Gateway Road in Commerce City for the manufacture and disposal of chemical warfare agents, and chemical and incendiary munitions. Solid and liquid chemical hazardous wastes were disposed of in trenches, burn pits and pooled in open basins covering wide areas. These field activities began in the fall of 1997 and significant portions of the cleanup have already been accomplished. 1987The EPA places the RMA on the National Priorities (or Superfund) List. First, the well casing was tested to evaluate its integrity. [13], As part of the clean up of the RMA, much of the soil, up to 10 feet below the surface was removed from the site. A civic center, high school, soccer complexand public open space are also located here. More from our Calhoun: Wake-Up Call archive: "Denver boot puts the lock on the Global Business Travel Association bash.". (4 of 9), CREATION OF WILDLIFE REFUGE In the 1980s a roost of bald eagles, which were then on the Endangered Species List, was discovered. Since its establishment in 1942, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA) has played a unique role in the service of our nation. Rates of birth defects in the communities surrounding the arsenal were also monitored and found to be stable and no different than rates for all of Colorado. A more recent article in 2004 by Pimentel,[19] estimated the cost of removal pesticides from the groundwater and soil at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal by approximately $2 billion. In 1996, after a lengthy process in which site investigations were conducted and completed, an approach to remedy the chemical contamination at the Arsenal was set forth by the US Army. The Rocky Mountain Arsenal was created out of farmland on the eastern edge of metro Denver during World War II to arm the U.S. Army. 2003The EPA removes 917 acres of RMA land from the National Priorities List. To read the report, click, Archives: Project Descriptions / Fact Sheets, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - The Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge Act was passed in October 1992 and signed by President George H. W. Bush. Who makes the best hot chicken sandwich in Denver? Throughout the decades of cleanup, the air monitors revealed there was no safety hazard to public health as no arsenal chemicals had been released into the air. Soldiers test-fired millions of artillery rounds at the proving ground, some made of depleted uranium. The military, the U.S. Department of Energy and private companies have spent more than $57 billion to clean up the six heavily polluted sites, according to figures gathered by The Associated Press from military and civil agencies. Additionally, ordnance (including incendiary munitions) was manufactured and tested, and asbestos and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were used at RMA. More by The Associated Press, Got a story tip? The Army is still struggling with cleaning up Jefferson Proving Ground in southeastern Indiana, part of which becameBig Oaks National Wildlife Refuge. These potential confounders are not clearly addressed in this report and may complicate the analysis as well as raise concern for disparities in exposure risk that is dependent upon demographic factors. From 1964 -- 1966, waste was removed from an isolated section of Basin F and was combined with waste from a pre-treatment plant, located near Basin F, and then pumped into the well. MORE: Federal prosecutors say they cant find files on investigation into Rocky Flats nuclear arms plant. Otherkey partners include Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment, the local health department andlocal government officials, the Army,U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at 303.289.0930, or visit the Refuge online. After the war, it became a bustling center of industrial activity -- a top-secret center that created a lot of dangerous waste. Fish and Wildlife Service enter into a unique public-private teaming arrangement called the Remediation Venture Office (RVO) to facilitate the safe, timely and cost-effective cleanup and transition of the site. These restrictions must remain in place unless future sampling and scientific investigation determine they can be safely removed. The U.S. Army constructed the Arsenal in 1942 to develop chemical weapons as a deterrent against the Axis Powers. 2015Black-footed ferrets are reintroduced at the Refuge as part of a nationwide recovery program for the endangered species. Any detected voids behind the casing were cemented to prevent possible contamination of other formations. They awakened many residents, but were not widely felt. The Army discontinued use of the well in Feb. 1966 because of the possibility that the fluid injection was triggering earthquakes in the area. Several reported basement floors separated from walls. During the cleanup of the RMA, concern for air pollution from the hazardous materials was raised. The manufacturing of these weapons continued until 1969. [3] After the bald eagles were captured, tested, and found to be healthy, the National Wildlife Federation worked with policymakers to transition RMA to a wildlife refuge. Included in the RMANWR Act, areas within RMA that were still contaminated were still owned by the U.S. Army, however, the vast majority of the land that was deemed clean would be managed by the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). In April 2007 Dick's Sporting Goods Park, a soccer-specific stadium, was opened on part of the former Rocky Mountain Arsenal land that was transferred to Commerce City. Groundwater is also pumped and treated at the site. The Rocky Mountain Arsenal, located ten minutes outside of downtown Denver, Colorado, offers one of the most unique urban wildlife refuges in the country. From 1962 -- 1963, the fluids were pumped from Basin F into the well. the Rocky Mountain Arsenal Disposal Well By D. B. Hoover and J. Lake Skipper (s): Finally, the Act provides for the transfer of some Arsenal land for road expansion around the perimeter of the Arsenal and 915 acres (3.70km2) to be sold for development and annexation by Commerce City. Beginning in October 2012, testing has revealed that pollutants have escaped the Shell trenches and groundwater is likely coming into contact with the waste and migrating out of the trenches, the lawsuit says. American bison are reintroduced to the site that same year as part of a nationwide conservation effort. From 1950 to 1952, the Army constructed the North Plants complex to manufacture the nerve agents VX and GB, (also called sarin). How? Rocket fuel was blended on-site for the Titan and Delta missile operations. selected for the Rocky Mountain Arsenal includes the removal of contaminated soil down to 10 over much of the contaminated area, and that contaminated overburden is contained in two hazardous waste landfills that remain on the site. This soil is contained in hazardous waste landfills. It was felt at Laramie, Wyoming, to the northwest, east to Goodland, Kansas, and south to Pueblo, Colorado. The well was cased and sealed to a depth of 11,975 feet, with the remaining 70 feet left as an open hole for the injection of Basin F liquids. It stipulates that the majority of the site will become a National Wildlife Refuge under the jurisdiction of the Fish and Wildlife Service when the environmental restoration is completed. In 1985 the Army permanently sealed the disposal well in stages. The CDPHE issued the Army a notice of non-compliance, claiming its containment and treatment measures were not working. After a $2.1 billion cleanup, the site was reborn as Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, with 24 square miles of idyllic prairie where visitors can take scenic drives or hikes. The JARDF is located at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, 7270 Kingston Parkway, Building 129, Commerce City, CO 80022-1749. (7 of 9), BENEFIT - Cleanup of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal has bolstered the economy of the greater Denver metro area and provides its neighbors with jobs, recreation, and a peaceful escape to nature. Slighter rumblings (below magnitude 3.0) occurred throughout the remainder of 1966, and through the first week of April 1967. The Rocky Mountain Arsenal manufactured chemical weapons including mustard gas, napalm, white phosphorus, lewisite, chlorine gas, and sarin. 2010All surface environmental cleanup work concludes. That rankles Tim Maloney, a senior policy director for the Hoosier Environmental Council. A $7 billion cleanup concentrated on 2 square miles (5 square kilometers) where workers assembled plutonium triggers for nuclear warheads, and that area is fenced and closed to the public. 1942The U.S. Army establishes the Rocky Mountain Arsenal to produce chemical weapons as a war-time deterrent. Most of the land areas now belong to the U.S. Rocky Mountain Arsenal on FishExplorer has 222 historic conditions reports, 90 historic water temperature updates, 120 historic status updates, 138 historic water level updates, available to subscribers. Another group asked the courts to release documents from a 27-year-old criminal investigation into the weapons plant, hoping they will show whether the government tracked down and cleaned up all the contamination. Some parts of the refuge have been deemed safe but visitors must watch a safety video and sign a waiver promising not to sue if theyre injured by an exploding shell. In 1987, the RMA was placed on the National Priorities List (NPL) of Superfund sites. The 17,000-acre site is 10 miles northeast of Denver. As provided by CERCLA, a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) was conducted to determine the extent of contamination. The documents provide the framework, purpose and overall rationale for remediation of the site. Baseline rates of congenital anomalies in the study area compared to Colorado as a whole did not show significant differences between populations. But forty years ago, a series of quakes rocked the Denver area -- quakes caused not by Mother Nature, but by Uncle Sam. The program consisted of four tests between September 3 and October 26. Hanford where the cleanup has already cost at least $48 billion and hundreds of billions more are projected may be the most troubled refuge of all. The history of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge stretches back more than 60 years. The shock shuffled furniture around in homes, and left electrical wall outlets hanging by their wires at Irondale. During November 1967, the Denver region was shaken by five moderate earthquakes. But parts of the refuge remain off-limits, including specially designed landfills where the Army disposed of contaminated soil. There are multiple paved, boardwalk, or gravel trail options with a variety of lengths and difficulty levels available. Further testing revealed that the containment issue is an ongoing problem, the lawsuit says. The Army and Shell Oil Co. began conducting detailed site investigations in the 1970s to define the extent of contamination. A lateral was built off the High Line Canal to supply water to the Arsenal. All waste that was left in place is now interred beneath large-area engineered covers that prevent any intrusion into the waste that remains below. In 1986, it was discovered that the absence of human activity had made the area an involuntary park when a winter communal roost of bald eagles, then an endangered species, was discovered on site. For example, DIMP (diisopropyl methyl phosphonate) was one of the main contaminants in the area. CERCLA was a tax imposed on chemical and petroleum industries. North of the former Stapleton Airport and west of Denver International Airport, Adams County. The purpose of this Natural Resource Damage Assessment Plan is to document the State Trustees' basis for conducting the damage assessment that provided the basis of the lawsuit and to set forth the proposed approaches for quantifying harm to natural resources and calculating the damages associated with those injuries. This new publication offers highlights from the past year, along with news about upcoming projects scheduled for 2022. Damage on a lesser scale occurred throughout the area. 1992Congress passes the 1992 Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge Act, which designates the site as a future national wildlife refuge. A lot of the environmental stories are kind of doomy and gloomy, and these are successful ones, something positive, he said. The Rocky Mountain Arsenal was created out of farmland on the eastern edge of metro Denver during World War II to arm the U.S. Army. Additionally, studies performed at Colorado State University found no increased risk of Arsenic, Mercury, or neurotoxicity in communities within 15 miles of the RMA.[16][17]. Washington state officials are worried that the Trump administration wants to reclassify millions of gallons of wastewater at Hanford from high-level radioactive to low-level, which could reduce cleanup standards and cut costs. Birth defects included in the analysis were: "total congenital anomalies, major congenital anomalies, heart defects, muscle and skeletal defects, and kidney and bladder defects," and these categories were inconsistent in reporting accuracy. Boulder sustained minor damage to walls and acoustical tile ceilings on April 27, 1967, as result of a magnitude 4.4 earthquake. Tensions arose between the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the State of Colorado, United States Army, and the chemical industries as they partnered to clean up the site and create the RMANWR. (2 of 9), CLEANUP - The remedy selected for the Rocky Mountain Arsenal included the removal of contaminated soil down to 10 over much of the contaminated area, which is contained in two hazardous waste landfills that remain on the site. Depleted uranium, a byproduct of nuclear fuel production, is used for armor-piercing shells. 6:54AM. The Friends of the Front Range Wildlife Refuges (FFRWR) is a community that supports the two largest national wildlife refuges in the Denver metro area-the Rocky Mountain Arsenal and the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuges. In the early 1980s the site was selected as a Superfund site and the cleanup process began. EPA and the State concurred with the approach. Spills occurred in the central processing areas, storage areas, and out of chemical sewers that existed underground. In its own account of the cleanup at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, the Army web site offers this explanation: The Rocky Mountain Arsenal deep injection well was constructed in 1961, and was drilled to a depth of 12,045 feet. Fish and Wildlife Service, Walter Derr, The Associated Press. The Off-Post Record of Decision was finalized in December 1995 and its requirements consist of actions for off-site groundwater and soil. Replacement water for South Adams County Water and Sanitation District. Despite yesterday's earthquake that hit the Trinidad region, "Colorado is considered a region of minor earthquake activity," according to the U.S. Geological Survey. [18] While it is difficult to capture the societal cost to clean up the site, the list of actions dealing with groundwater contamination listed by Mears and Heise include: Direct economic totals add up to approximately $111 million and this estimation does not include operation and maintenance costs. For questions about Refuge programs and conservation efforts, please contact the U.S. In this study, baseline birth defects were estimated from the time period 19891997, which was the point at which the clean-up began, and inclusion criteria included mother's address at the time of birth being within the geographical study area. Fish and Wildlife Service to establish a field office at the RMA to help manage the abundant wildlife. Just watch where you step. Many projects have attempted to clean contaminated groundwater at the Arsenal. The animals were transferred from the National Bison Range in Montana. Brighton is 6 miles north, and Barr Lake State Park is about 5 miles northeast. Drop us a note at 1943RMA employees work around the clock to manufacture mustard gas, Lewisite, chlorine gas and incendiary weapons. The U.S. Army later reactivated Arsenal facilities for Cold-War weapons production and demilitarization. Join the Westword community and help support The Rocky Mountain Arsenal, a manufacturing center of United States chemical weapons, is located in Commerce City, Colorado. This legacy, they say, requires restrictions on where visitors can go and obligates the government to monitor the sites for perhaps centuries. During removal of contaminated soil and construction of the remedy containment structures, air monitoring was conducted at multiple sites in the Arsenals interior and fence line, and several sites in the surrounding communities. 1962Treated liquid waste is injected into a deep well located more than 12,000 feet below the ground surface. The U.S. Army will permanently retain and manage about 1,000 acres of Arsenal land that contain the landfills, waste consolidation areas and groundwater treatment facilities to ensure they remain protective of human health and the environment. [1], The environmental movement began in the United States in the 1960-1970s. When the cleanup was completed, it was clear that no Arsenal chemicals had been released into the air that exceeded the health-protective levels established for the site since the environmental cleanup began in October 1997. Rocky Mountain Arsenal continues to leak, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Get to know all 17 Denver mayor candidates , Rocky Mountain Arsenal continues to leak contaminants into groundwater, Colorado health department lawsuit says, Feds sue water company for rupture damaging Rocky Mountain National Park again. [20] In the case of Rocky Mountain Arsenal, total indirect cost was not estimated at all. The military closed the sites to keep people safe from the dangerous work that went on there, not to save the environment, said Havlick of the University of Colorado. State and federal officials say its safe, but skeptical activists filed a lawsuit saying the federal government didnt test the refuge carefully enough. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Army will retain areas where hazardous wastes are managed, such as the landfill and soil covers. In some cases, they could have conceivably made the site into something that was economically valuable, but that would have cost more, Rome said. The Rocky Mountain Arsenal was placed on the National Priorities List of Superfund sites in July 1987. The end result was approximately 165 million gallons of Basin F liquid waste being injected into the well during the period from 1962 through 1966. Over 1,300 earthquakes were recorded at Bergen Park between January 1963 and August 9, 1967. After a $2.1 billion cleanup, the site was reborn as Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, with 24 square miles (61 square kilometers) of idyllic prairie where visitors can take scenic drives or hikes. Several were felt, but none caused damage until the window breaker that surprised Dupont and Irondale on the night of December 4. Shell Oil Co. leased the property and manufactured agricultural pesticides in the South Plants complex from 1952 through 1982. Through events, communications, advocacy and fundraising, we support the refuges in. At least 30 of the 560-plusrefugesmanaged by the wildlife service have some history with the military or weapons production, the AP found. It was an inexpensive way to expand the national refuge system, especially in urban areas with scarce open space, said Mark Madison, the Fish and Wildlife Services historian. When the Cold War ended in the 1980s, more surplus military lands were earmarked for refuges. The defendants must build a system to actively dewater Shells trenches to prevent the mixing of effluent with groundwater, the lawsuit says. For more information please visit U.S. Catch . The injected fluids had very little potential for reaching the surface or usable groundwater supply since the injection point had 11,900 feet (3630 m) of rock above it and was sealed at the opening. Fish and Wildlife Service is responsible for managing the Arsenals wildlife and habitat. [8][9] The well remained unused until 1985 when the Army permanently sealed the disposal well. In addition, there were actions completed by Future Farmers of America (FFA) between 1991 and 1993 that cost approximately $151.2 million. Photo source: Dave Showalter On May 21, 2011, the official visitor center for the refuge was opened with an exhibit about the site's history, ranging from the homesteading era to its current status. Located just north of Denver, in Commerce City and close to the Stapleton Airport, the U.S. Army purchased 20,000 acres (81km2). EPA and the State concurred with the approach. Kirk Mitchell is a general assignment reporter at The Denver Post who focuses on criminal justice stories. Since then, the US Army started to operate the site. Residents may see flames, too, but are asked to not call 911 for this reason. 1999The RMA becomes the first environmental cleanup site in the nation to receive the Occupational Safety and Health Administrations (OSHA) highest workplace safety award. In 1992, Congress Passed the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge Act (RMANWR Act). The building was known as the Environmental Analytical Laboratory, and was used to analyze soil, water, and air samples collected during the environmental clean-up of RMA. More than 600 chemicals have been used or manufactured at the arsenal, including: Diisopropyl methylphosphonate (DIMP), a chemical unique to the Army's manufacture of nerve gas. Rocky Mountain Greenway Trail Open: Year-round to hiking, bicycles, and Class 1 e-Bikes Length: 4.8 miles This regional trail corridor will link Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge with Two Ponds and Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuges, along with many other protected open space and park lands throughout the Denver metro-area. 1989The U.S. Army, EPA and Shell sign the Federal Facilities Agreement, which provides a framework for decision-making and for completing 14 Interim Response Actions (IRAs) while final cleanup plans are developed. More recently, it has been used as a storage facility for excess office furniture and equipment. Mallard carcasses found to have higher levels of Dieldrin. (1 of 9) SITE HISTORY - Rocky Mountain Arsenal was listed on the NPL in 1987. Photo source: Denver Post The new venue hosts the Colorado Rapids of Major League Soccer. [12] Though the cleanup of the site was considered complete in 2010, soil and groundwater monitoring practices occur every five years to ensure the effects of the clean-up remain. Houses creaked and objects rattled during this magnitude 2.1 earthquake. Then a year and half after the Rocky Mountain Arsenal waste dumping practice stopped, the strongest and most widely felt shock in Denver's history struck that area on August 9, 1967, at 6:25 in the morning. Photos source: US Fish and Wildlife Service CDPHE is asking the federal court to compel the Army to install or modify the existing treatment system to effectively prevent pollutants from contaminating groundwater, the lawsuit says. Please direct your comments and questions to: Rocky Mountain Arsenal, 7270 Kingston Parkway, Building 129, Commerce City, CO 80222 or by email to: Annual Monitoring Reports In cooperation with federal, state and local regulatory agencies, the U.S. Army maintains and monitors the remedy to ensure its ongoing protectiveness. Fish and Wildlife Service management, and they now protect black bears and black-footed ferrets, coral reefs and brushy steppes, rare birds and imperiled salmon. Photo source:CBS Denver 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South Denver, CO 80246, Colorado Health Information Data Set (CoHID), Office of Public Health Practice, Planning, and Local Partnerships (OPHP), Air Quality - Monitoring, Modeling and Data. By the end of December 1962, 190 earthquakes had occurred. During the development of the remedy for the Arsenals contamination, there was a lot of public concern that the cleanup itself might pose a risk to the surrounding residents. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment established monitoring systems throughout various locations of the RMA. (8 of 9), "The Refuge and adjacent property represent a public-private partnership done right," said Mayor Sean Ford. All of these constituents constitute threats to human health and the environment, the lawsuit says. 1989The U.S. This new publication offers highlights from the past year, along with news about upcoming projects scheduled for 2022. The U.S. Army permanently manages. The following data were derived from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Share Them by March 3. In September 2017, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment sued the U.S. Army, U.S. It remained controversial among residents until it was closed in 1992. Theyre not going to want to be in a place with chemical pollution or radiation problems., Email: Last week, on December 8, 2015, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal rounded up the bison herd to gather animals that had been selected for donation to the Crane Trust--a bison conservation . Please click here to see any active alerts. A small herd of wild bison was introduced to the refuge in March 2007 as part of the USFWS Bison Project. Make a one-time donation today for as little as $1. 1969Powered by rocket fuel propellant manufactured at the RMA, Apollo 11 lands on the moon. The Army discontinued use of the well in February 1966 because the fluid injection triggered a series of earthquakes in the area. The site was placed in 1987 on the EPAs National Priorities List, which is also known as the Superfund list. 1973The Vietnam Conflict ends, and demilitarization becomes the primary focus of the RMA. Restrictions on well water use, residential development, consumption of fish and game from the arsenal, and agricultural use of the arsenal will exist in perpetuity until further scientific research is completed at the site. Trace amounts of the chemical 1,4-dioxane has been found in some samples of drinking water. Most handled conventional weapons, not nuclear or chemical. Keeping our congressional leaders . The Army and Shell operated Basin F, a hazardous waste surface impoundment for the storage and treatment of liquid and solid hazardous wastes, but the facility leaked wastes into the environment after waste disposal ended in 1981, the lawsuit says. Denver's independent source of The military reserved the right to oust these companies and restart chemical weapon production in the event of a national emergency. Residential and commercial property is located to the north, south and west. The cleanup of the refuge's 15,000 acres was completed in 2010. The settlement amount totaled $27.4 millionand is to be used for natural resources restoration projects in the South Platte River area. Some were among the most dangerously polluted sites in the nation but held swaths of hard-to-find habitat. Many of the conversions came after the first and second world wars. The Act also provides that to the extent possible, parts of the Arsenal are to be managed as a Refuge in the interim. Critics say Rocky Mountain Arsenal in Colorado illustrates the shortcomings of a cleanup designed to be good enough for a refuge but not for human habitation. The arsenal's animals are intended to refresh bloodlines of the national park's herd, Rocky Mountain Arsenal Refuge Manager David Lucas told CBS4. They have been left in place to excavate, so they have been left in place. The Army was dumping dangerous chemicals into a deep injection well out at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal. Become a member to support the independent voice of Denver Most skeptics agree the refuges are worthwhile but warn that the natural beauty might obscure the environmental damage wreaked nearby. It cited seven violations. The magnitude 5.3 tremor caused the most serious damage at Northglenn, where concrete pillar supports to a church roof were weakened, and 20 windows were broken. This led the State of Colorado to take legal action over who has legal authority over RMA remediation efforts, payment of natural resource damages (NRDs), and reimbursement of costs expended for cleanup activities (response costs). Amount totaled $ 27.4 millionand is to be used for natural resources restoration projects the... At Bergen Park between January 1963 and August 9, 1967, fluids! Sustained minor damage to walls and acoustical tile ceilings on April 27, 1967 as... It was closed in 1992 World wars and Irondale on the National bison Range in.! 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