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if you surrender a pet can you adopt again

And anyone surrendering an old dog should be flogged straight out. If you need to surrender your pet back to a shelter, please make an appointment by calling 888-452-7381 Do NOT abandon your pet in any building, enclosure, lot, street, or other public place. Yes, absolutely. My heart breaks every week, and I cry over the dogs who dont make it out. How about some food for pet programs and maybe some vets who would give reduced prices so that people who really could enjoy the companionship, could have a pet. He was only 2 years old; he has such a long happy life ahead of him. So they can get tired of another innocent animal and yet another animal is murdered?! Unfortunately, adoption into a safe and secure home is an unknown for the pet. Before surrendering a pet to Animal Friends, we encourage you to consider our Home-to-Home Adoption program. I think there should be a law against it. Pet ownership is something that should be for the pets whole life. Someone out there knows a vet who is not in business just for the money. Should the names of those who surrender a pet be listed on a national Do Not Adopt registry for other shelters and rescue groups to reference? These same people would probably surrender their own children if they could legally get away with it. I still had photos of her cats on my phonebut she didnt. The humane society suggested to me to get him a companion dog, so I did. No they should not. During my many visits to the local Humane Society, I have seen intake reasons such as, Owner died and family couldnt keep dog, Dog was not good with children in the home, Family lost house and cannot keep dog. I think its an entitled position to take to assume that everyone who is forced to take a dog to a shelter is doing so because they dont care about the pet and deem them unworthy of adopting in the future. Also, if a dog gets older they feel like they cant afford the vet bills so they just get rid of it and get another one. Adopting an animal is not a trial run! ANYONE who has touched a hair on any animal, should be banned forever from having Pets. I cry still, and this was almost 5 years ago. was created for the love of dogs. We are not looking to adopt any time soon, but because I took him to a shelter (to find out he was not a boxer mix, but a pit mix) explaining he is overall a great dog, just not for our home, I should never be able to adopt when my kids get a bit older? I will live in a tent or under a bridge before I would ever part with my fur childrenand they would be right there with me. Not all people that do that have malice in their heart and they may really in truly love their animals. 2070 Griffin Road. Adopting a fur baby is a life long commitment and one should really think about this seriously. How horrible is that? There is no fee for La Crosse County residents to surrender their animal to our shelter, but monetary donations are greatly appreciated. As was mentioned, most will NOT make it out alive. everyone else gets along fine with each other. I believe that if an individual surrenders a pet to a kill shelter they should NEVER be allowed to adopt again. PERIOD!!!!!!!! A pet of any kind is a forever pet. that was almost 20 years ago and i have NEVER done that again. My husband and I have had many dogs during out lives, some rescues and some from puppies all with different issues or not. In general I too suggest people dumping their pets should not adopt another. Not that no kill shelters are bad but I prefer rescue groups that bring the animal into their home so it never have to sit in a kennel or a cage. I am under severe stress wth a husband who has cancer. This infuriates me to no end!! When you have an animal it is for life, and maybe you should rethink a few times before you want to adopt an animal. No way! These are all things to take into consideration when you adopt an animal, its a lifetime commitment ! PetCoach Editorial Team. There is a $50.00 fee per animal for out-of-county residents. Although the premise seems justified to have a ban on owning another pet, I agree with previous poster, Cyndy, in making it a case by case judgment. Again, Absolutely NOT!!! In compliance with the Veterinary Practice Act, if you choose to return the animal you won't be able to readopt him/her at any time. NeverI help with rescue everyday I see so many animals in shelters..I rescued my corgi he is with me for life.. I have had dogs all my life .I am now 71 and have two dogs . Especially when they are dropping off an older dog to pick up a younger one!! Absolutely not. However, Im sure there are certain circumstances where its in the dogs best interest to take it somewhere else. But this continues the cycle. 52,564 were adopted but 22,925 were owner surrender and adoption returns. Money we just didnt have. I think putting an absolute on something isnt fair. Things happen and people are sometimes forced to give up their pets, but just dumping them anywhere is just not acceptable. It gets rather tiresome to hear people vilified for doing the right thing and taking a pet to a shelter when they cant (yes, or wont) care for an animal any longer. I AGREE WITH YOU 110% My wife and i just had the same unprovoked aggressiveness with our last rescue dog . DEFINITELY, NO!!! I understand there may be some extenuating circumstances, such as a sudden terminal illness of the dog, or even of a family member, or a sudden loss of income that continues to the point of not being able to care for the animal. I made a contribution to the shelter in an amount that covered his care for the rest of his life. Take the time to find one like that. Horrendous. I was trying to help her. Even if I go with a cat instead of a dog? For some its an addiction getting a dog, getting rid of it, and then getting a new dog. You dont need to dump them in a shelter when you leave town any more. It's important to know what will take place once you relinquish your pet to a shelter or rescue and also to be aware that there are alternatives. Rabies Vaccinations and Microchipping. He is mine for life. Each of them became part of our family, and each left us grief-stricken upon their passing over the rainbow bridge. But I refused to put him in a shelter, if a rescue group was able to take him in and he could go into a home I would do that. none of the excuses above are legitimate reasons for murder. This would just keep thousands of animals without the chance to be adopted. Then one day she was sitting on my lap and was trying to get my husbands attention. Sadly, there arent enough foster homes to save every animal and those faces haunt my dreams, actually they haunt ALL rescuers dreams. After seeing feathers on the ground the next day I decided to get some cat food and put it out. And I never got another dog until I could make this a forever home.valuable and painful lesson learned! Many animals are there. Peoples circumstances can change. My first reaction, no, no more chances. Before PAWS can take custody of your pet, you need to submit a surrender form for the animal. She kept trying to attack me. Your dog would have preferred living in a car with you. They could at least research and locate a No Kill Shelter for their pet. And sometimes, people get animals when they have the time to love and care for them, but something unfortunate and unforeseeable happens and they no longer can care for the animal. Never say never Sometimes people actually grow up and understand and regret what they have done in the past. I still think about those poor cats, but Im proof that people can change, and children can learn to do better than their parents. Some people should definitely be allowed to adopt again, but others should not. If its the too old, too fat, too expensive, takes too much time, ate my shoes, messed in the house, barked (what did you expect it to do, yodel ?) and so gratefull for a home, its unbelievable. this more closely. If you dump an animal, ( and that is what it is) you should not be allowed to adopt or buy another animal. I hope to one day adopt another dog from a shelter or rescue. He broke a leash, escaped a heavy-duty chainlink lease Almost every single day, he was leaving the house. I also think that people who adopt too many dogs too frequently should be tracked as well. I think also there should be some database they have to be in so if they do try and adopt again you know their history about being a responsible owner or not. The suggested donation for surrendering is $150 for a dog and $100 for a cat. They pick a dog, sometimes a little one that has not had any training at all. If you are thinking of surrendering your pet, please consider: Calling our Behaviour Helpline: We offer knowledgeable information and advice on a variety of pet behaviours. You may also call 512-268-1611 and someone will return your call within 24 hours.***. Missy, you are full of Sierra Hotel India Tango, and think I can name double-digit numbers of reasons, that poor dog (not to mention those effing 9(!) So, all of you who say not only no, but hell no. I simply could not deal with him being fostered out so I brought him home. And absolutely not!! Give em a break for heavens sake. Once all spaces are filled, pets are placed on a waiting list. No they should never be allowed to adopt again! There is no excuse for dumping you dog in a kill shelter. By Appointment Only Surrender appointments are available Monday through Saturday from 12-4PM. A few years later, peoples lives may have stabilized and they can care for a pet for a lifetime. He had this bond with my youngest daughter. Depends on the situation., and a mere 14 minutes later to an ill-considered Anyone who will surrender their pet and not care if it gets killed or not should never be able to even own another pet!!! A dog who cared for his charge for years then was thrown away! Should the names of those who surrender a pet be listed on a national Do Not Adopt registry for other shelters and rescue groups to reference? She suddenly became very protective of my husband and not even I was allowed near him. Please note we are located in Lynnwood, Washington 20 miles north of Seattle. Im sure I left out some of the classic excuses, but you get my drift. I believe NOunfortunately there are people who have no choicebut that being saidI have health issues and worry about my old girl Ethel, a beagle that I adopted from a rescue groupwhen I went into the hospital, more then once, I have asked friends if they could take her onshe is not a dog most people would want because she is old, becoming deaf, and does not play or walk muchbut one of my friends said she would take her, other friends said they would make sure she would not go to a shelterI also learned that the rescue group would take her back if anything happened to me, most of them doso if you cant keep your pet try to make arrangements for them or make sure to adopt from a rescue groupExcuses like getting a new dog, having a baby, the dog is getting old, or t he myriad of excuses Ive heard are NOT acceptablewe adopt our pets for LIFE! Some dogs show radically different behavior in a meet & greet than in a home. If it a superficial reason, then no. I have a dog and a cat I cant imagine giving them up for any reason. i knew there would be children walking in my property to go to school. This is no different. Petsmart does not accept surrendered pets at their retail locations. Ive adopted many of the most unadoptable pets to provide them the love and attention they should have received all along! I understand that some people, due to circumstances, dont believe there is any other choice. Its not fair to a dog whos dedicated their life and love to a family/owner. I cried the entire time it took me to take them there, and cried the whole way home. If they choose to dump an animal, they are undeserving of any pets! My husband and I were separated, and I lived in an apartment (no pets rule) and he had our dog; when he was killed in a car accident. It's to help them. I feel past surrender history if available is sufficient to deny adoption of another pet unless the cost of that adoption is higher. Shelter attendant Taylor Milligan said that she would be best suited for a single-cat home. No I dont think think they should get to adopt any dog eve they threw that one away, piece of carp pplr. A person that surrenders their dog just to adopt another, is doing the surrendered dog a great disservice! The veterinarian I went to was wonderful and gave me options. What about those people who would love to be able to keep their dog but due to current unfortunate circumstances (loss of job, home, illness), can no longer care for the dog? Then six months later, they found a job that provides them a strong income again. Animal welfare needs to become a more professional and less judgmental field if we want to save them all. No.must sign a paper stating they will keep the dogits a trust comittmentdo not go back on your word. It broke my heart and I think of him every day. Have at it ridiculing publicgo for my jugular. Many of them dont even know about all the other options, because theyre afraid they will be condemned by the public if they ask. I probably should have thought better the second time; I really believed my cat would be OK with a dog as she had before. Surrendering a pet arises from many situations. I just read a story this morning where an A** hole surrendered his 6 year old dog and then adopted a puppy. People get pets and after the newness has worn off or they find out it will cost a fortune to groom the dog or cat they either throw it outside and let it fin for itself or take it to the pound. If the surrender is because of change of circumstances, like moving to where the landlord wont allow dogs in their rental, yes, but what should be required is a letter from the landlord concerned stating no pets allowed, etc., or if people move from one country to another for work & cant take their pets, that again can be provable, but not repeat offenders. im hearing about too many people dumping older dogs and turning right around and adopting a puppy! Peoples situations and lives can change and sometimes people need a second chance as much as the pets. Without a very serious commitment that the pet is part of your family forever no matter what, then you are adoption material. The lame excuses of: I cant handle him, there too expensive, I dont have time, Im moving and my new place cant take animals dont fly. As she stomped away the damn dog jumped up and bit her face by her eye. tell me what you would have done in this situation: I agree with you, Michael. There are way too many dogs with Heartworm not horrible condition and that is abusespay/neuter does work but the ones that arent are in the hands of irresponsible people and the only way to curtail this epidemic of unwanted dogs is to keep them out of the hands of people who continue to dump them. Its a heartbreaking but rewarding process. NO NO NO but how do you enforce that? What if my new pet gets sick? I feel no one that gives up there pet should be able to adopt again for at least 15 yrs. It is just too easy as the shelters cannot refuse to take a pet. We decided that he was simply too much of a liability to have in a home where children were. In Florids we have hurricanes and Anyone could become homeless at any moment and have to stay at a relative or friends home perhaps dog could not stay there and owner would have to take him to a No kill shelter and hope that he would get a good home. A current driver's license or state identification is required to surrender a pet. They all need training, especially in a new home and if you do not have the time, do not get an animal. If you were, you might be surprised to know what you are capable of doing. I volunteer with a rescue and its heartbreaking to hear the reasoning behind a surrender the dog is too big too much trouble no time etc etc NO they should not adopt another pet it should go nation wide on a register that they brought their animal to a shelter and they should be banned from ever owning another animal. He became aggressive for no apparent reason. I know some people who do this a lot and it makes me so angry. I had to give my boxer back to AABR because he bit my 3 day old daughter while she was in my arms. Intake staff can become very busy or may not be able to answer the phone due to handling an incoming . You surrender 2 pets ever in a lifetime (at different occurrences), no adoption allowed EVER againyes, ever again. The medications for him were over $500 a month for four years (he passed recently) and being a 22 year old student and no insurance companies willing to take him, I would have lost him if my mother didnt decide to help. But the destruction didnt stop. The familys children had slept on the dog, ate with the dog, been guarded by the dog, played all kinds of games with the dog. The idea that people think of pets as disposable property makes me ill. If Wendys situation improves and her life becomes more stable, then I would be the first to encourage her to look for another dog to adopt. Shelters are basically giving dogs away just to make room for more, only to get them returned. I dont think they should be allowed to adopt again. It is strange that someone who no longer could keep a dog would stand in line to kill it. So I guess there needs to a database to track why people are surrendering the animals in the first place. I think there is a simple answer to this, No. They should never be allowed to have another pet. They may regret what they did once they learn more. We are closed on Mondays. Dogs are not trash, they are not disposable, they are a family member and they are a commitment. Abuse is the only qualifier we are fit to judge someone else of. We got our first dog from the humane society when he was 16 weeks. Do your homework when checking out a breed, every dog is different. I dont understand the question Should future pet adoptions be conditional? What happens after the time? An animal is for life. We thought we did everything right, but he just couldnt handle the stress. However, sometimes our circumstances change in ways we couldnt have foreseen. They should NEVER be allowed to adopt again! Dog Surrender Form If you have multiple animals, please submit a separate form for each animal. Wake them up and get them to change or hire someone else who can do the job better. I think all pet owners should have a plan (in writing such as a living will) in order for when they are no longer able/capable to care for their pet due to illness/death, etc. No. For your kids this is a great learning exercise and if these groups know the public is watching they might just make real effort to help dogs and not just beg for donations with photos of long dead dogs. Adopt a Pet. If you cannot live up to that then you have no business adopting another one. It got to a point where I honestly stopped chasing him, and I prayed my neighbors didnt know he was mine. A Zebra doesnt change its stripes. Why let them adopt again? Please. stray cat. For ME personally, I would go to every effort to find somewhere for my dog. They should also be fingerprinted. I think it depends on the circumstances. People that just stop wanting one dog and will turn it into a shelter, even knowing it will probably be euthanized, will likely do it to another. To just turn around and surrender them to be euthanized? People who abuse or surrender should NEVER be allowed to adopt or buy another animal again. People get cute little puppies, dont research the breed and they want to get rid of them when the dog gets too big. There are rescues out there for every type of dog. Pets must be surrendered to a local animal shelter or rescue organization. I do believe that these should NEVER be allowed to adopt again. i had to do this one time (it still eats at me) i lived out in the country and had 2 dogs, a st bernard and a shepard mix. I think it should be a case by case basis. I definitely think animal abusers should go on a registry and shared with all to avoid repeats in those circumstances, also if people have habitual pet turn ins that should be considered for a registry. no but then we would be violating their rights politicians can kiss my a$$. I dont how people could just get rid of their pet like yesterdays garbage. I think this is a hard call, only because I think youre damned if you do, and damned if you dont. So I say no to those who dont care that their pets will be killed or not. Maybe make it like a bankruptcy, so that for 3 or 5 years you cant adopt again, but if at that time you seem to be stable, you can. I worked Animal Control for several years and there are very few that should be allowed to adopt again, but there were a very few that I would have to say because of the circumstances, I would have to say yes. Dont trust my word. It wasnt even called a shelter and Im sure those poor cats were all killed within a few minutes of our driving away. Consider that rescues/shelters spend money to care for animals in their custody. While I think that Wendy and Lucy could have gotten along living on the streets, Wendy did what she thought was best for Lucy, even though it was a very difficult decision for her to make. Based on your suggestions here, I should not be able to adopt another animal for 10 years. If the baby is in danger then YESrehome the dog but dont just dump it in a shelter. If your shelter is still high kill today, then their current director isnt doing their job very well. Caring for your animal costs more money than is received in adoption fees. Im still totally devastated, and would pay anything to make my allergies go away so I could have kept her . Of course not. Somewhat. Family And Friends - Free (Best Option) Your family and friends can be a great way to re-home your dog. There should definitely be something in place to prevent it. My first inclination is to say no, if you surrender a pet you have no business getting a new one. Generally, when a person surrenders their animal to a shelter, they have no further rights to that animal. When is enough enough? So I made the tough decision because I wanted him to live. People who surrender dogs to a shelter should be put on a list and never allowed to adopt again. In mine and my husbands eyes, she was the most adorable thing in the world. I was forced to take Remi and her kittens to the Animal Protective Association. So you know what? The one that took my Beagle ended up dropping him off with a neighbor who did doggie foster care, where he stayed for about three hours until I got off work. I also think maybe consideration should be given whether the person drops the dog at a kill or no kill shelter. They need to be listed on a national Do Not Adopt registry for other shelters and rescue groups to reference. Just so sad. As your word is your honor! Most reputable rescues/shelters want an adopter to surrender back to them versus just abandoning, giving away or surrendering to another organization. It is a home that someone made a shelter for those who are having hard time in this economy and its a remarkable thing that their are good people out there still in this world that are able to help those in need. Every night, he had tears in his eyes, and I didnt know why. Whilst also being a single mother with a baby? Pet Friendly Housing Options Moving is stressful, even under the best circumstances. yes they should all be adopted and given to good homes. When I finally got up from the chair, she was coming after me. Not only do I think they should never be allowed to adopt another animal as long as theyre alive, I think that they should be euthanized as well! Do NOT leave an animal outside the . You see, she was a senior, and no one wanted an older dog. I would live in my car with my dog until I found a suitable place to live. Call 412-345-0348 to speak with one of our knowledgeable staff about the pet you are looking to surrender. We need to fix the underlying problem first, too many companion animals, not enough homes. Pets are family, and family is furever!!!! I think that the people who are selling or adopting the pet out have a responsibility to make sure the adopter is informed,financially equipped and ready for the responsibility. These people do NOT deserve to adopt again, as I am sure they will surrender again I had to surrender my dog cause he start get Of course, there are ways around that, such as having a friend or family member adopt the pet. We need to get the price down or offer affordable dental care clinics. So my only option was to surrender her to the Humae Society. No. So I took him back to Pa where I got him where I new where he would be safe because everybody loved him there. NO. If you decide that surrendering your pet is the right decision for you please contact us by calling 703-792-6465 or by sending an email to so we can get you on the list. Real need surrenders are few and far between. In most instances no, it's not. People who dont take responsibility, should not have the opportunity to do this act of cruelty twice. Surrendering a Pet (Intake Process) . But they will find a pet elsewhere. I totally understand that there are all kinds of circumstances, but I have to go with a NO because these people take an animal to a known Kill facility knowing that their dog or cat do not have the best chances of being adopted is just as bad as abuse. For example, what if you are an abuse victim, have to get out, and the abuse shelter wont take your pet yet you dont dare leave your pet with your abuser for fear of what might be done to them. NO ABSOLUTELY NOT !! It would be nice if it could be determined on a case by case basis. The first one was a p. No way. Depends on circumstances. A tetanus shot and a round of antibiotics later, the shelter laid it on reaaaaal thick, made me feel worse than I already did and handled it extremely poorly in general. Why should they be able to adopt again? Sorry for the long post but NO-NO MORE ADOPTIONS AFTER SURRENDERING A DOG!!! Most will be put to sleep a gentle term we humans use as a way to avoid saying the truth out loud within days of being left at the shelter. Night, he was mine adoption material every animal and yet another animal for out-of-county.! Another pet unless the cost of that adoption is higher feel past surrender history available! Rights to that then you are looking to surrender her to the society! Way to re-home your dog especially in a shelter or rescue member and they are a commitment appreciated... Protective Association no but how do you enforce that wanted him to live my first inclination is say. 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